Everyone Has Issues! Right?

This Week the Trend


The kids came into the room slowly; they sat in random seats and looked as tired as I felt right now. After everyone came into the room and was seated I closed the door and walked up to the front.

“Alright as you all know I’m Mr. Jackson. I am new to this school this year but I taught at kings head high school for about 3 years before I transferred.” A girl in one of the back seats hand shot up in the air. “Yes, what’s your name?”

“Millie!” She chirped she was sitting straight up and looked very alert; she was way more awake than anyone else in the room right now.

“And what do you want?” I asked

“Well I was just wondering, why did you transfer here?” she was blunt and to the point. But that wasn’t a story for me to tell a class full of students so I went with what all teachers say when they don’t want to talk about it.

“It was Personal reasons.” I stated. “Now I have your schedules let me get those passed out, anyone want to help me with that?” I scanned the room for volunteers, and then I saw the very boy I had seen leaning against the car with the girl, he was slumped over in his seat, his chin resting on his hand as he looked at the wall next to him. I knew his expression on his face. It was one of deep thought and confusion with just a hint of sadness. I had seen that face in the mirror a lot lately. I walked over next to his desk and he looked up at me. “Will you pass these out for me?” he nodded and stood up taking the papers from my hand. “Thanks.”

“No problem” He said then began to pass out the schedules. I wanted to help him, I wanted to let him spill his guts to me, because I knew what it was like to be like him, what it was like to keep it all in and feel like you have to keep a mask on all the time, I knew he needed someone and I knew that I needed someone else’s problems to help take my mind off of my own. But as I contemplated how to make him trust me enough to talk to me I felt like such a weirdo. How was his life my business? Why did I feel the need to help him face his problems, when I was running from my own?
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Sidnee: Awwwww Mr.Jackson is so cute, the way he is all troubled, and nice, and wants to help jake out!
Kevin: ohhh god!
Sidnee: mr. jackson and Jake would make a cute pairing!!!!
Kevin: please dont put images like that into my head you sick freak!
Sidnee: -has an evil grin- you know you like it..........
Kevin: - stands up from computer and walkks away-
Sidnee: awww poor kevin!