Everyone Has Issues! Right?

Which to Bury, Us or the Hatchet?


Home Room had flown by, along with 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th period. Jake hadn’t been in any of my classes yet and I was starting to get worried, I don’t know if I can make it through a whole school day with no interaction with him. I looked down at my schedule, 4th period was Creative Writing with Mr. Jackson. As I found the room and walked through the door my heart skipped a couple beats there stood Jake getting ready to sit in a desk.

“JAKE!” I yelled quickly running over to him and hopping into his arms, he looked as happy to see me as I was to see him, he caught me easily and picked me up further off the ground. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the teacher glancing at us smiling ‘weirdo’ I thought to myself. Jake put me down with a huge smile one his face, I was glad to see he was back to being normal and happy.

“I missed you Kat.” He sat down in his seat and I took the one right next to him.

“Yeah I was scared that I wouldn’t have anything with you.” I said pulling my notebook I had gotten for this class out and doodling on the front.

“Ha yeah Id like to see this school try to keep us apart I would go up and switch my whole class schedule around just to make sure we had at least one class together.” He was staring at my doodles like he usually did, he said once that he loves watching me draw because no matter what I always draw what I feel. But I felt comfort in knowing that he really would do anything he had to just to make sure we were together for a while during the day.

“Hello I’m Mr. Jackson and this is Creative writing. We have quit a small class so it should be a lot of fun in here.” Me and Jake looked around we hadn’t noticed the fact that other than me and him there was only about 6 kids in the class. “ Okay now we are going to keep a journal in this class, I know what your thinking creative writing is exposed to be all the fun writing like stories about dragons or getting stuck in your dreams well all fairy tales start with some sort of truth. No matter what you’re writing you always put some of your own life story and morals into it. I expect you to write whatever you want and as little or as much as you want.” I looked over at Jake and he was looking down at the notebook in front of him, he knew that I hated journals they are just way to personal for a teacher ask you to do, my life was my life so Mr. Jackson could just butt out of my business! “So why don’t we start writing our first entry right now ill give you guys all this class to work on it.” Then he walked over to his computer, sat down, and started typing something.

“Jake.” I whispered over to him. He glanced over at me for a second, then I saw something spark in his eyes he had just thought of a solution to whatever problem had been going through his head. He turned away from me and started writing more and more until he had covered front and back of his first page. He was letting everything out to that notebook, yet he wouldn’t let anything out to me. At that moment I felt kind of silly, because I realized I was jealous of the notebook. So I looked around the room pretty much everyone was writing except this girl in the corner, she was staring at something so I followed her gaze, it landed right smack on Jake, Oh No She Didn’t, was the first thought that went through my head. I gave her an evil stare until she noticed I was looking at her and she looked down at her notebook instead of at my Jake. Then I mentally slapped my self, he wasn’t MY Jake.
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Sidnee: ohhhhh Kats becoming a bit possesive!!!!
Kevin: i wonder what jakes writing abou??
Sidnee: well seeing as we already wrote the next chapter im pretty sure you know what he's writing about...
Kevin: oh yeah! hey isnt it weird that we are WRITING a story, and in it the people are in creative WRITING!?
Sidnee: nope not at all.... - pushes kevin out of the chair-