Everyone Has Issues! Right?

There was another time in my life


The students all stood up the moment the bell rang and made a misshapen line in front of my desk dropping off their journals one by one. When it got to the last person in the line I looked up, it was the girl that, Jake, the boy from my homeroom had been sitting next to in class. She smiled and laid her notebook on top of everyone else’s.

“look I just want to tell you this, and I mean no disrespect at all my it Mr. Jack, but you see I don’t really like writing bout myself for school purposes, heck I don’t even like writing bout myself for non school purposes, so don’t expect nothing deep out of mine.” She said gesturing towards her journal. I nodded my head and she started to walk towards Jake who was waiting in the door way. I looked down at my roster to find her name.

“Hey uh Kathryn” I said after her, before they could walk out the door.

“Yeah?” she asked turning around

“Sometimes the people who don’t like to write about themselves are the ones who have the most to say, maybe you don’t like writing about yourself cause your afraid of what you’d write if you really got into it.” I told her then I grabbed her journal and walked it over to her. “why don’t you take this home, and write at least something in it, like I said it doesn’t matter what you write about, heck it doesn’t even have to be about you, just write.” Then I turned around and walked back to my desk and shuffled through papers.

I heard her say something to Jake then the door closed behind them as they walked out of the class. I let out a breath that I seemed to have been holding all class. I looked up at the clock, time to go home I guess.
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Sidnee: oh Mr. Jackson told her!!!!
Kevin: shutup..
Sidnee: that hurts!