Love Found in a Pile of Lies

Chapter One

No one cares. No one cares. No one cares. No one CARES, I thought to myself as my boring science teacher droned on. I honestly had no fucking idea what he was talking about. I wasn't even really listening. His stupid voice just buzzed in the back of my mind as I concentrated on how badly I wanted to get out of here.

I hate school. It's just full of a bunch of people I don't like and never will like. Almost everyone here is just so full of themselves. Looking down on anyone who bothers to differ from them. God, the world has them all so brainwashed.

They're all so scared of everything around them. Too scared to try anything new, or to let loose and have fun. Girls are so afraid of getting raped they rarely go out, and when they do, they have to be in a huge pack. It's fucking pathetic.

Keep your eyes on your drink, girls. Don't trust any males, girls. They're all out to get you. Everyone in the world wants to hurt you. Everything will hurt you.

I impatiently tapped my pen on the desk I was sitting at, and looked around the room. There weren't many others paying attention. This class was boring, and the teacher's uninteresting way of explaining things wasn't helping.

After what felt like an eternity of studying the stupid kids in my classroom, the bell finally rang.


I grabbed my bag and bolted out of the school, dodging other students who were obviously not feeling too rushed to leave.

I rejoiced at the sight of the packed parking lot, immediately seeing my old, beat up black mustang. Soon enough, I was sitting behind the steering wheel of the car that my best friend helped me pay for, relaxing for the first time that day.


When I got home, Jess there waiting. Sitting on the cement steps to my house wearing ripped jean shorts and a baggy vintage shirt that showed her midriff. She lifted up her aviator shades, and put her an arm to her forehead, smiling at me.

"Finally, you're home!"

Jessa has been my best friend since seventh grade. I experienced all of my firsts with her around. First boyfriend, first cigarette, first party, first time doing drugs, first time getting drunk, first time having sex.

Of course, she wasn't AROUND when the last one happened, but she was there and she answered all my questions. She pretty much doubled as a best friend and a mom, even though we were the same age.

Jess dropped out of school last year, so we don't get to see each other as much, but our visits were still daily.

"Hey, sexy! What's up!" I squealed. It was nice to be around someone just like me, after hours of being deprived.

She laughed as she slowly stood up and walked towards me, placing a cigarette into my hand.

"Eh, not too much. Just figured I'd come see the most awesome girl in town... And, considering it's Friday, I thought we might go out tonight!"

I grinned, putting the cigarette in my mouth and lighting it up. "That sounds great!" I said after taking a long drag. "Where to?"

She leaned in close to me, and smirked as if she had the best secret she could possibly tell.

"Well, I just so happen to know of a little place near Brightwood Park that's having a party... A party that I just so happened to get invited to!"

I gasped out a laugh. "Near Brightwood Park? Dude, those parties are fucking sick! We've never been invited to one of those, how'd you manage?"

The sly little smirk was back on her face as she said, "I may or may not have met someone..."

My eyebrows raised. Jessa has never been serious or even somewhat serious with a guy before. It was always flings or one night stands. "You met someone? Like, someone you're interested in?"

My best friend nodded shyly. "I don't know where I met him.. But I just know he was friends with my friends and we dropped acid together, and the next day we hit it off like crazy. He's really awesome, Mollie."

I grinned, happy for her. "That's great, Jessa. Tonight is going to be the best night ever. I just know it."

And it was.
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I know the original subscribers of this story probably won't like it since they subscribed for a shitty 'vampire romance' that I wrote when I was 13... But I'm interested in this, and I like to think it'll be 1,000 times better. c:

Comment if you like it, please. I need encouragement to continue on.