Love Found in a Pile of Lies

Chapter Two

The music was loud, and echoed in my ears. Some kind of shitty techno. I stumbled forwards, having no idea where I was going. I had lost Jessa almost right after we got here. The party was held in a big house, and by big I mean HUGE. This neighborhood didn't have a reputation for nothing.

I hadn't the slightest clue how many people were here. All I knew was that I was having troubles going anywhere without brushing shoulders with someone. There were people all around me, grinding with a partner, or dancing drunkenly by themselves. I was alone, too.
After losing Jess, I had pretty much become a loner for the rest of the night, drinking myself silly.

I didn't really mind, considering: A) I was drinking free booze and B) The alcohol clouded my thoughts of how alone and awkward I should be feeling right now.

My foot hit something hard, and I fell forward, landing on top of someone. "Shit..." I mumbled, trying desperately to get off them, but not being able to function my body well enough to do so.
After a few difficult seconds, the person underneath pushed me off and onto my ass.

"Hey! Fuck you!" I said, looking up at the persons face for the first time. It was a boy, with light brown hair and swamp green eyes. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm the one who should be saying 'fuck you.' You're the one who crashed into me."
I snorted a little bit, shaking my head. "Whatever," I said, getting up and walking off to get another drink.

I got a can of coke, pouring a bit of it in a plastic cup before mixing it with vodka. I swear, this place had an endless amount of rich kid supplied alcohol.

Just as I was about to put down the bottle of vodka, someone came up behind me and snatched it out of my hand.

I turned around to look at them, and they smirked lazily at me before focusing on my face quickly. "Hey," he said carefully. "Do you smoke weed?"

I grinned. "I smoke anything." The boy with the short dreaded hair returned my grin, and grabbed my hand with the one not holding the bottle.

"Sweet. Come with me then, and I'll smoke you up."

It been a while since I'd smoked weed, so I was looking forward to it. Lately the only drugs that I had been doing were exctasy and acid.
They were great, but it's nice to get into the more lax ones once in a while.

The room that the stranger took me to had several towels under the door, and when we opened it, a cloud of delicious smelling smoke engulfed me. I inhaled deeply, getting excited to try some of their chronic.

"Hey, Travis. Whose that?" someone asked.

"I don't know," he answered. "Just met her, figured I'd smoke her up."

Travis and I sat down together in the circle that had been formed in the darkly lit room. It seemed to be a bedroom, because three girls were sitting on what appeared to be a bed in the corner of the room.

A guy sitting next to me passed me a joint, and I curled my lips before taking a long inhale, and passing it to the next guy. I released the smoke from my lungs, and watched the guy next to me, who was taking a hit from a small bong.

He rose his head as he finished his toke, and released the smoke from his lungs. His swampy green eyes met mine, and I recognized him. It was the guy from downstairs.

"Hey," I said casually as he passed me the bong.

The brown haired boy paused before asking, "What are you doing here?"

I took a hit from the bong, passed it, and replied, "The same as you. Getting baked." I laughed quietly, as relaxation and my high mixed inside my body.

After a few moments of silence he said, "I have a few joints in my pocket... Wanna get outta here?"

I looked him up and down, taking in his obviously fit body hidden by his plain black t-shirt and his tanned, flawless skin.

Definitely attractive. Definitely worthy of my time.

"Sure," I said cheerfully, getting up from the circle and following him out the door.

No one said anything. I think they were too high to even notice our leaving, to be honest.
Like I've said many times before. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. What could it hurt?
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asdfg. I've decided that every time Mollie goes to a party I'm going to listen to this song: