Love Found in a Pile of Lies

Chapter Five

Living with Jessa had improved my life immensely. It's usually a bad idea for friends to move in with each other, but I already practically lived with Jessa, anyways.

It was nice to not have to cook dinner for myself anymore. I've always been a disaster in the kitchen, whereas Jessa could be a master chef if she wanted to. In fact, my best friend had often told me that if there was a cooking show for terrible chefs, I would most definitely make the cut.

Tonight we were eating a mushroom rice dish that Jess had whipped up. "We" meaning Me, Jess and the guy that she's been seeing for the past two weeks. His name was Devon. Think of a stereotypical hippie. Long, dirty dread locks, peace sign necklace, baggy stripped pants, long sleeved t-shirt with a pot leaf and eyes that were never fully open. Yeah, that's him.

He was a great guy. I had gotten to know him rather well during the week that I had been living here. Every now and again, he'd try to teach me a game called "Hacky-Sack". Basically, what you'd do, is you'd try to hit a little bead sack with your foot as many times in a row as you could, and then kick it off to the other person(s) playing the game.

I am not coordinated enough to play that game. My highest chain of kicks was MAYBE two. Even that's probably pushing it.

"So, Mollie. What're you doing tonight?" Devon asked.

I took my fork and moved the rice around on my plate. "I don't know... Probably just staying here and watching TV. Why?"

Instead of answering, my best friend's boyfriend stared at me intensely. I got the hint right away. He wanted to bang Jess tonight. A good thing about living with Jess was that she understood what I hated about living with my mom, and didn't do any of that here. She cleaned up after herself, made her own food, never yelled at me, and most importantly, waited until I was out of the house to fuck the living shit out of her boyfriend.

The difference being that none of the men that Mother was with were boyfriends. Or even friends for that matter. Strangers, really.

"I guess I could go out," I said quietly. Jess was in the other room and would get mad if she heard that Devon was urging me out of the house so that he could get laid.
Speaking of getting laid, it's been a good three weeks since my last time. Too long. I could feel cobwebs already starting to grow in between my legs.

Devon nodded in happiness and mouthed a thank you to me.

Jessa bounded into the room, two cups full of water in hand. They sloshed from side to side as she walked to the table and placed them down. "Here you go, Molls! Devon!"

"So guys," my best friend said as she slid her chair closer to the table. "Do you like the food?"

I grinned. "Love it. Jessa, you've gotta be the best cook I've ever come across. It's so simple yet so delicious." Devon chimed in a "Yeah!" of agreement and Jess looked pleased. "I'm glad you both like it."

We ate in silence for a good ten minutes before I decided to speak up. "So, I'll be going out after dinner. Need to get out of the house."

A worried crease formed above Jessa's brows as she frowned. "Why? Something wrong? Did anything happen?"

I laughed at Jessa being, well... Jessa. "No. Nothing's wrong. I've just been in the house too long. Gotta find something to do."

"Are you gonna hang out with someone?" she asked.

Truth be told, Jessa was probably my best and only friend. I didn't really get along with most people. It's not like I was an intolerable person, but I just never really clicked with anyone enough to get past the acquaintances stage. The closest to friendship that I had ever gotten with anyone besides Jess was my drug dealer, Gordon and the select few people that I exchanged information about parties with from time to time.

"Um... Yeah! Some friends from a party... You remember Carrie?" I had made up the name on the spot. I don't think I even knew a Carrie.

Surprisingly, Jess took the lie. Maybe it was because she wanted me out of the house for a night, too. She nodded her head in recognition. "Ohhh. Carrie. I didn't know you were friends with her. Hm."

I simply nodded, not wanting to lie to her anymore, and quickly finished my meal. When I was done, I got out of the chair and took my plate to the sink to rinse it off.

Jessa mumbled a word of thanks as I cleared the table before getting ready to leave the house. Brush hair, wash face, do make up, brush teeth, perfume, clothes. The usual routine. Tonight I had decided to wear a tight, black lace dress. It had a low cut, straight across neckline and stopped at about mid-thigh. The bra I was wearing pushed my breasts up and together. In summary, I looked hot.

Fuck all of those girls that have to feign self-consciousness to avoid getting called full of yourself. If you know you look good, why hide the fact? Confidence isn't a bad thing, and girls who call you vain are just jealous that they don't have the confidence to think about themselves that way. Whatever.

I said my good byes and headed out the door before getting into my old car. I slid the keys into the ignition, and started her up.


I had driven all the way to the end of town until I got bored and decided that it was time to go out for a walk. The road was lined with tall buildings that were separated by dingy alleys. The heels that I had chosen to wear clicked against the pavement, practically notifying the whole neighborhood of my presence. Hopefully a potential one night stand would be out and about. From what I saw, there were at least three bars within a five block radius.

Click, Click, Click

The street seemed endless. There were no people on the streets besides the odd bum. All of which made sure to ask for change before I passed them. All of which were completely ignored.

After an hour of time wasting, I leaned against a brick wall, sat down and pulled out my phone.

"Contacts, contacts..." I muttered to myself, reading out the names on my phone. Most names, I couldn't put a face to.

"Abby, Adam, Addison, Ben, Bryce..." The names kept coming. No one of interest. Not a single person that I had any interest in hooking up with again, or even hanging out with. You'd think I wouldn't be so picky-

"Sexy Pimp Lover?" I said, astounded. Who the fuck was that?

I was certainly not the kind of person to give people on my contact list stupid names. I decided to send them a text to find out.

"Lol uhhhhh sorry but who is this?? you have a retarded name on my phone"

The reply came disturbingly quick.

"whats the name?" the text read.

I texted him back the answer and waited yet again. It took longer for the person to reply this time. Nearly ten minutes.

"o. you met me the other nite ;) i put my # in ur phone :) hope u dont mind."

Okay... I met him the other night but that still didn't explain who it was. I asked him who he was. Again.

The text that came back read, "gunnar. remembr? u fell on me"

I laughed quietly to myself. Ghost dick.

"oooohh. you free? wanna hang :P"

My phone buzzed when Gunnar texted me back.

"yea. meet me at unicorn grove in 30 :)"

Unicorn Grove was a popular spot in the woods where people went to get high. Lots of logs to sit on, and lots of space for lots of people. However, it was secluded enough that no one could see or hear you. That was a benefit for the people who couldn't handle their shit.

"K see ya there :)" I texted back. This was going to be an interesting night.
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Had to cut it off here. Sorry! Thanks for reading. :D