12 Reasons He Thinks You're Amazing

Reason 1

Reason 1: You have the best personality. Why do you think he wants to be around you so much?!

Carmandy was sitting in her room just watching TV doing nothing in particular. It was just one of those days ya know?

But then her dad called her from down the hallway in his office.

“Coming!” she shouted back, muting the TV and skipping down the hallway.

She slowly opened the door to his office and said, “You hollered?”

He turned in his huge chair just like the evil masterminds do in movies.

She laughed, “That was so scary daddy!” she was also one of those girls who still used the word ‘daddy’ instead of ‘father’ or ‘dad’.

He chuckled, “Just like in the movies huh?”

“Oh yes,” she said and she walked over and sat on the small couch he had in the room.

“So, what did ya summon me for?” she smiled.

“I just wanted to make sure I cover some ground rules for you and Justin,” he trailed off slightly.

“Well, mom already gave me the big talk, and trust me I am gonna stay a virgin till after I get married!” she said proudly. And she was speaking with all sincerity.

“Well good,” he said relieved, “But I still want you to know that if he hurts you, I’m always here for you.”

Carmandy smiled and was so thankful to have parents who actually cared about her feelings and wanted to protect their daughter no matter what, “Thanks daddy.”

“Oh I mean it too. Just tell me if he hurts you in anyway and I will make sure he… well never mind it’s not that important!” he laughed.

“What are you gonna do? Beat the crap outta him?” Carmandy laughed.

“Only if you say I can sweetheart,” he smiled.

Carmandy laughed again and stood up to go give her dad a hug.

“Well, I’m a big girl,” she paused, “So I’ll definitely let you know if I need a favor or to two to whip him back into shape!”

They laughed again and after they finished their hug Carmandy opened the bottom right hand drawer to get into her dad’s secret stash of chocolate covered raisins.

“Hey now!” her dad said, “You gotta hand me some too!”

She smiled and grabbed a handful of the small chocolate pieces for both of them.

Her dad laughed, “Well, you better run along hun, I still have some work to finish up.”

She laughed, “Kay, thanks again dad.”

“You’re welcome sweetie,” he smiled and turned back in his chair to go back to his work as Carmandy exited the room and gently shut the door behind her.

She smiled, completely content, as she walked back down the hallway passing her brothers rooms and seeing them playing their mindless video games.

She smelled her mom cooking dinner downstairs. She looked at her clock as she turned into her room and saw it was a little after 4 already.

She plopped back down on her bed and un-muted her television to finish watching Man V.S. Food.

Her phone then vibrated on the bedside table.

hey babe whats up?

She smiled at the text message from Justin.

oh ya know nuthin much

rly? well then u shud meet me @ Terry’s in 10 min ;)

Terry’s was a local ice cream/burger place. Kinda like Friendly’s if you know what I’m talking about.

haha ok but wht if it ends up being 11 min?

well then i’ll just hav 2 disown u!

:’( whaat?

Haha im kidding! u knw I love u baby girl

:) tht’s what i thought

lol so 10 min? Terry’s?

you bet. C ya soon love cake xD

love cake? thts new lol k cya xo

So Carmandy hopped up outta her bed turned her TV off just before Adam finished his challenge and combed her hair before she left.

She slipped on her converse and bounced downstairs to check with her mom if it was ok to leave.

“Sure honey, have fun. Oh, you gonna eat dinner with us?” her mom asked.

“Um,” Carmandy thought about it for a second. Maybe she could invite Justin over.

“Can I invite Justin over?” she asked.

“Of course, he’s always welcome,” her mom smiled.

“Then probably; when do you want us to be here?” Carmandy asked.

“In about a half an hour? Forty five minutes tops,” her mom replied.

“Ok! We’ll be here. Thanks ma!” she said cheerfully heading out the door.

She pulled her iPod out of her pocket and listened to some songs as she walked the block out of her neighborhood and down the main street a little until she reached Terry’s.

On the way there she even gave a dollar to a guy playing his guitar out by one of the big buildings.

Oh the joys of Atlanta.

Within just about 8 and a half minutes she made it inside Terry’s and saw Justin sitting in their usual booth.

“You’re late!” he joked.

“Oh bull! I still have,” she looked at her phone, “thirty seconds!”

They laughed and she sat on the other side of the booth like she normally did.

But, Justin stood and walked over to her side just to give her a kiss.

“You’re so sweet,” she giggled.

“Oh I know,” he smiled at her and stayed sitting on that side of the booth so he could intertwine their fingers.

“I already ordered our usual,” he said to her. Their usual was a chocolate shake with 2 cherries and no whipped cream. Justin liked whipped cream but Carmandy didn’t.

“Ha, and I told my mom we were gonna eat dinner with my fam in about a half an hour,” Carmandy grinned.

“Oh that gives us plenty of time to have dessert before dinner and digest it fast enough!” Justin laughed.

Just then one of the waitresses the two knew because of such frequent visits to this place, walked over and handed them their shake.

“There ya go kiddo’s!” she said cheerfully.

“Thanks Jackie,” Carmandy said sweetly sticking her straw in the shake and sucking some into her mouth.

“Oh, you’re welcome. Well, enjoy!” she said and she walked off.

Justin took his straw and put it in the glass too.

“I still don’t understand why you don’t like whipped cream!” he said to her.

“Because it feels like I’m eating cotton and its gross,” she explained. It was true she didn’t like it because of the texture of it. It was the same reason she didn’t like marshmallows.

“You are crazy,” she told her.

“Yeah, crazy for you!” she joked.

“That was, way corny!” he laughed.

She laughed with him, “Oh I know.”

Once their laughter died down and Carmandy ate one of the cherries she said, “But it’s true ya know.”

“What?” Justin asked.

“I really am crazy for you,” she said, nothing but seriousness in her voice.

Justin smiled, “I know, and I’m crazy for only you.”

Carmandy blushed and Justin kissed her forehead.

So they finished up their shake and laughed and talked and ended up walking back to Carmandy’s house hand in hand.

“Mom, we’re back!” Carmandy said cheerfully slipping her shoes off by the front door as her and Justin came inside.

“Perfect timing!” they heard her mom shout, “BOYS COME DOWN FOR DINNER!” she yelled for her brothers and her dad.

Justin stood behind Carmandy just smiling. Then they made their way into the dining room and took a seat next to each other at the dining room table.

“What are we having?” Justin asked politely.

“Stuffed chicken breast, corn, fries, and cranberry sauce; and for dessert we have pie!” her mom answered cheerfully. She was a great cook and she loved doing it too.

Carmandy laughed, “Sounds great mom.”

Justin smiled too and they watched and then Jack and Adam ran into the kitchen and sat across from Justin and Carmandy.

Each of her parents sat on the ends of the table.

After her mom had set all the food on the table they prayed and dinner began.

“So, Justin,” Carmandy’s dad began, “Anything new and exciting, occurring in Hollywood?”

Justin chuckled, “Well, I’m starting a new music video in a couple weeks.”

Carmandy glanced over at him, “Really? For what song?” she asked happily.

“You Smile,” he said looking back at her, with a smile on his face.

Carmandy smiled and blushed because he was giving her that ‘I love you’ face.

Adam then pretended to gag and Jack said, “Ok, can ya quit making googly eyes at our little sister?”

“Oh, shut up Jack,” Carmandy snapped.

“Shut up,” Jack mocked in a high pitched voice.

“Oh, kids, quit it!” Carmandy’s mom said to them.

“Sorry,” they all mumbled. They were so used to doing that.

Justin just sat their smiling. Watching as his girl, his Carmandy, laugh and smile next to him; which made him smile in return.
♠ ♠ ♠
Teehee. Oh yes, I have plans. :)
Sorry for being so long too, School is being really mean to me latly...