Status: Trying to find inspiration to wirte for you guys! I'll update ASAP.

The Deeper I Get

Wrong Way

That night was awful, I was kept in that cold, dark cell for what seemed like an eternity. I was about to nod off to sleep when an officer came up to the cell door.

"You get one phone call, use it wisely dirtbag." He sneered. I nodded and he opened the door. I walked over to the pay phone, contemplating who I was going to call. I decided to call Chris because my dad is probably passed out in bed by now. I dialed his cell number, the incessant ringing made my head throb.

"...Hello?" A groggy voice answered.

"Dude, it's me."

"Roland? Where the hell are you calling from?"

"The fucking police station..."

"Hey! Watch the language you prick." It was the officer at the desk behind me.

"What a dick." Chris said laughing "So i guess you got busted?"

"No, I'm here at the police station selling cookies."

"Stupid question, my bad. So let me guess, you need bail and a ride?"

"Yea, I'll pay you back."

"Give me twenty minutes."

"Thanks a million bro." We hung up and I returned to my cell until he arrived.

Goddamn this blows...

Chris showed up, just like he said, about twenty minutes later with a blank check for my bail. He walked up to the officer, asked the amount, wrote it on the check, signed it, and gave it to the officer at the desk. The officer came over to the cell and unlocked the door, letting me out.

"You will be receiving your court summons within the next couple of days." He stated.

Chris gave me a ride to his place so I could crash. He knew as well as I did my dad would be pissed if I came home this late.

That car ride seemed to take forever...

"So how did they catch you?"

"I got sold out."

"Damn, no good people in this town. You know, you blew a lot of college opportunities with this, you had so many schools looking at you."

"Don't remind me..."

I could barely get a wink of sleep when we got to his house. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. Why did she do that to me? I rarely ever talked to her except the day she approached me, so there is really no good reason for her to have sold me out. It didn't make sense... Thankfully I eventually fell asleep for maybe a few hours, but I had to wake up early so I could sneak into my house. If my dad finds out I was out all night, he wouldn't have been worried, just pissed. I thanked Chris again and left his house around 5 a.m. It wasn't a long walk, so I knew I'd be fine. The cool, brisk morning air helped me forget a little bit. It was so calming... I reached my street and saw my dad's car pulling out of the driveway. The jackass deserves to work on a Saturday. He drove right on by me, not even noticing i was there. I continued down my street to my house, put the key in the slot, opened the door, and proceeded to my room so I could get back to sleep. Damn my bed looks so nice right now. Not even undressing I flopped on my bed, instantly falling into a deep sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh, it's short-ish. There would have been more but I'm suffering from writers block, sorry!
I'll hopefully have more up soon!
Comments are always welcome. ^.^