Status: I'm workin on it! The interesting parts will be coming up soon. PREPARE FOR SUSPENCE!!! :D

Black Velvet

Just One Kiss


“A little sleepy there Ashlynn?” Rainy asked as we both sat in our first hour class the next day. I nodded; I couldn’t get the image out of my head of what happened yesterday. I was there then I wasn’t I passed out when he vanished. It wasn’t normal, not for a human. Who was this guy, and what was it that he wanted? I shook my head to clear my thoughts just as the bell rang. I headed to my locker searching all around for him. I didn’t see him, but I knew he was at school; there was something in the air that told me he was. I got my next hour’s class book out of my locker when I got this splitting headache in my head. It was very painful, like a loud high pitch ringing sound in my head that wouldn’t go away. I dropped my books and grabbed my head; the sound of them hitting the ground was painful.

“Don’t figure out who I am, don’t even look for me, don’t try and talk to me either.” A deep voice said. It seemed to come from inside my head, like it wasn’t a real person but at the same side it was.

“What?” I mumbled.

“Don’t follow me!” The voice screamed as the loud high pitched ringing got louder and higher. I looked around to find some type of help, and then I saw him. He was on the other side of the hallway staring at me, a deep concentrated stair, like he was mad or something. Once he realized I had seen him everything stopped. The voice, the headache, the ringing, everything stopped and he darted off down the hall. I stood in confusion, my head throbbing, me staring down the hall way where he had ran. It didn’t make any sense as to why someone I had barely met would be doing this to me. What did he want?


The tardy bell snapped me out of my gaze. I ran my hand through my hair and looked around quickly grabbing my things I darted off to my next class: Phych. I calmly walked in and saw Rainy. I was supposedly the talk of the school. Although it had only happened a few minutes ago a girl standing in the hall, dropping her books and screaming caught a lot of peoples attention.

“Hey, what happened in the hall? Are you okay?” Rainy asked.

“Hmm? What?” I asked sitting down. “Me, yeah I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?” I said.

“Even though I wasn’t there when it happened everyone is talking about it. I’m not stupid Ashlynn.” She said as I looked around the room. I didn’t see him anywhere. Where was he? This was getting really weird. I looked around again and didn’t see him. I raised my hand.

“Yes Ashlynn?” The teacher said.

“May I go to the restroom? I really have to go.” I asked.

“Yes, but hurry back.” He said. I nodded and looked at Rainy.

“For one, I never said you were stupid. For two I’m perfectly fine, and for three,” I hesitated, “for three, there is no three I have to go now.” I said looking at her while I grabbed my things, got up, and left.

I walked down the hall to my locker and put my things inside. I closed the door and leaned against it. I looked down both ways of the hall. One way was dark and the other was light, the glare of the sun came through the window and reflected off the floor. It was so quiet you could hear a needle drop. I ran my hands through my hair and took a deep breath then headed to the restroom.

I got to the room and sat in a stall. Like every school there were writings on the walls and they were filled with “I love you”, “I hate you”, gossip and things. Some were quite interesting and others were quite obvious.

“Gosh, people need to learn how to spell.” I said and chuckled.

I read the wall entertained with everyone’s writings and opinions. The squeaking of the door snapped me out of my reading and I froze. I listened to the girl walk around on the tiled floors, then into a stall. I took a breath, flushed my unused toilet and walked out. I washed my hands and dept my head down. I heard the toilet flush and the door open.

“Hey Ashlynn.” I heard the girl say.

I looked up. “Oh, hey Anna.” She was the hall monitor. She came out, washed her hands and left. I took a deep breath and looked back down at the sink. I watched as the water ran over my hands and splashed into the sink.

“Hello Ashlynn.” I heard in a deep voice. I jumped, looked up, my eyes darted around the bathroom then rested on a figure in the corner. He was wearing a black hoody with the hood up. He was leading up against the wall, looking down.

“I told you to not follow me.” He said. “Don’t you get the hint?”

“What hint? Who are you?” I asked.

Cameron, Cameron Joe. CJ for short.”

“Okay? Hi?”


“So what do you want with me?”

“Nothing, I want you to leave me alone.” He said as he looked up. I looked right into his icy blue eyes. His hair hung around his face, it just added to the picture. I shivered. We locked eye contact, studying each other with every second. Keeping the gaze he walked towards me. I stood my ground, not moving at all. He came up to me, stood in front of me, inches away from my face. I clenched my teeth together, as I kept my gaze into his eyes as he kept looking in mine.

“Don’t fucking follow me, don’t try to understand me, don’t even talk to me. Leave me the hell alone. Got it Ashlynn?” He said sternly. I was lost in his blue eyes. Silvers and blues shined in his eyes. They were like a broken sheet of glass, the colors blended. They started to switch slightly and the blues started to go green and the silver to white. As I watched his eyes change, I became more and more interested. It was like a mood ring changing, his eyes changing to his mood. They stayed green for a few seconds then they changed to a brownish color with a goldish black to them.

“Don’t bother to speak, I know what your going to say.” He said and walked around me towards the door. I look a breath and closed my eyes.

“I love you.” I said and turned around. I saw him cringe as I stared at his back.

“Don’t…..don’t say that.” He said as he turned around to face me.

“Why not?” I asked looking at him. “Bet you didnt know I was going to say that huh?”

He clenched his hands and looked at me. “Don’t fucking say that.”

“Why the fuck not?” ii said taking a step forward. We locked eyes again. This time his eyes weren’t a blue or a green or even a brown. They were a dark purple. I could tell he was pissed, it showed all over his face. The was he stood, legs slightly apart, one foot slightly behind the other. Fists clenched, his face down but his eyes on me.

“Why are you so mad? Why are you so tense? Why don’t you like those three words? Why?” I asked curiously walking toward him with every question still holding the gaze. I kept walking till I was right in front of him. I could tell he didn’t like me being that close.

“Don’t say that, don’t ask why just don’t say it. Got it?!” he shouted at me, looking down.

“No, can’t you at least tell me why?” I shouted back.


“Why not!”

“Cause I don’t fucking trust you or anyone here!” He shouted.

“Well I trust you.” I said and kissed him hard. I wraped my arms around his shoulders and kissed him. I kept thinking to myself what he was going to do. What his next move was. I had already pissed him off and figured I would be into a wall or something. I felt him shift and move, I prepared myself for what would happen next. I felt his hands on my waist, I kissed him again. “Here I go” I thought. I’m going to hit the wall, I know it, I took a breath. His hands slid around my waist and to my surprise he took me in his arms and kissed me like I had never been kissed before, like nothing else mattered, like he had been wanting to for a long time. I was confused at first, but kissed him again and held him close to me. He pulled back and looked at me, the kissing slowing to a stop.

“Why do you trust me? You don’t even know me. ” He mumbled still holding me close to him.

“I don’t know, but I trust you.” I mumbled back looking in his eyes that were back to his icy blue. “all I know is that I love you and I would be a fool to think that you don’t love be back cause you just kissed me.”

“No, you kissed me, I was just being a gentleman and kissed you back.”

“Oh really?” I asked.

“Yes really.” He said, he came close to me, so close I about forgot to keep breathing. I felt his lips against mine again, kissing me, I kissed back. I felt a smile creep across his lips. “That is me asking you to be mine.”

I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Be his? But why, he was such an ass to me earlier, how he wants me? I don’t get it. I didn’t get it. Why?


He looked confused. “What?”

“Why do you want me to be yours? After how you have been treating me lately, why?”


“Cause why?”

“Cause….I want you.”

“You want me?”



“Cause I do.”

“But why?”

“Cause I just do.”

“Cause you love me.”

“…No…” H hesitated.

“Yes you do.”

“No I don’t.”

“No I don’t.”

“Yes you do and you know it.”

“No I don’t.”

“Yes you do.”

“How are you so sure?”

“Cause you hesitated when I said you did.” I said

“…So…that don’t mean I do.” He said, hesitating again.

“It don’t mean that you don’t.”

“It don’t mean that I do.” He said.

“I know.”



“So, I take that as a no.” He mumbled and turned to walk away.

“I never said that.”

He stopped. “Said what?”

“I never said no.”

He turned around and looked at me. I looked into his eyes and saw him smile. I smiled and ran into his arms, I kissed him hard.

“So I take that as a yes?” He mumbled against my lips. I nodded and kissed him.

“What the hell is going on in here?” I heard and froze.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry i havent updated in a while. my dog got ahold of my story so i lost the chapters that i wrote :(( but i will be writing more! comment and subscribe!