Status: I'm workin on it! The interesting parts will be coming up soon. PREPARE FOR SUSPENCE!!! :D

Black Velvet

Time For A Change

My Dearest Ashlynn,
Ashlynn, your father, brother and I love you so much. I'm so sorry mommy wasn't there to see your face when daddy told you the news. I'm sorry, but mommy just had to take this business trip to get some money. I'll be sure to be back so we can set up your house together, oh how much fun we will have! But enough of me lets talk about the house! Now, I know that you really wanted to go to San Diego College. It's been your dream ever since I can remember. I remember that you always wanted to live on the beach side and be able to sit on the balcony and watch the sun set and rise while listening to the waves. Do you remember drawing this picture when you were three? You came to me and said, "Look mommy, it's me, you, daddy, and brother." we were drinking smoothies that we had just made. It's the house that you have always wanted. I cant wait till I get back so we can decorate! I miss you so much, and don't you move in to much before I get back.=) I love you so much darling, I can't wait till I can hold you in my arms again.
4 ever and always
luv much
p.s. see, I can learn text lingo too =)

I wiped my eyes trying not to smear what little makeup I still had on. I looked at the picture that she had put with the letter. It was drawn in crayon, all different colors. It was covered in marks that showed wear and tear. The upper left hand corner had red juice from when I had knocked my cup over in my room, the stain on the pure white carpet never came out. I chuckled softly remembering the memory. My mom was going on a business trip the week I was supposed to graduate high school. They must have bought the house a while back and came here occasionally. I looked in the envelope and there was a chain inside. I reached in and pulled it out. Dangling from the gold chain was a locket with a sticky note on it.

"Here is a little something to remember us by when my little girl goes off to college, kissy face kissy face"

When I opened the locket there was a picture of mom, dad, and my brother. I cried, I couldn't stop. I missed them so much. I looked around the house with tears in my eyes.
"Mom and dad gave this house to me?" I mumbled, as I slowly got up from the stairs and walked through the house. I just couldn't get over the beauty of the view and house. I stood in the kitchen looking out the glass door that led to the balcony. I watched the waves crash into the beach and the little kids flee back to the safety of their parents. Officer Jennings came up behind me.

"Are you going to be okay Ashlynn?" He asked concerned. I nodded.

"Lets move your stuff upstairs and then we can head to town."

I nodded again, taking one last look outside at the view I had from my kitchen.

We headed upstairs with all my bags and found the master bedroom. it was just as breath taking as the rest of the house. Pure oak bed with light sea green and blue walls. There was a larger dresser between the closet and bathroom doors on one wall with my queen size bed on the wall directly across from it. I walked in and set some of my bags down on the bed. I took my clothes into the closet, which was also huge, more room than I really needed but I could fill it. Well that is what wasn't already filled. It already had some clothes of my style in it. I took my bathroom stuff into the bathroom, it was equally large. A huge jetted tub in one corner and a shower beside it. The walls were a cream color with a yellow tint to them. I came back out and looked around.

"Beautiful isn't it." Said Officer Jennings leaning against the door.

"Yes, it is, very. I still can't believe my parents bought it for me though." I said.

He nodded, "Time to head to town, it's not far from here, plus you need food if your going to call it a home."

"Alright." I said, and we headed down to the car, then we were on our way to town.

We picked up some food at the store and then stopped by my new school to enroll me for the next day. When we got back to the house we got everything inside and put away.
"I have one more thing to show you Ashlynn." Officer Jennings said as he lead me to the garage and opened the door. There sat a green Shelby mustang, black rims, two racing stripes over the top, with not a single scratch on it.

"It came with the house." He said with a smile.

I walked toward the car, well more like sprinted. I looked over it with a grin on my face. When
I opened the door and popped the hood something caught my eye that was laying in the passenger seat. It was a cell phone, a no cost, everything free cell phone. Free Internet, free calling, unlimited text and picture messaging. I was completely shocked. I slid it into my pocked and walked around to open the hood. Oh man, this car had everything. V8, equipped with nos, sun roof, leather interior, awesome sound system. Anything and everything that I wanted to put in my old mustang before I wrecked it, but this was better. I turned around and leaned against the front of the car.

"Is this all really happening? Is this all really true?" I asked.

Officer Jennings nodded. "Yes, it all is and it's all yours. You should be getting a text from me about now." Just about then my phone vibrated. "Add my number to your contacts and don't hesitate to call me any time you need something. Even if it is to have a girl talk. I have a daughter your age that just loves to talk on the phone about that stuff. I'm sure you two will get together just peachy."

We both smiled and I nodded. I practically ran over and gave him a hug.

"Thank you so much." I said

"No problem." He replied.

Buzz Buzz. I stepped back to find that my pocket was vibrating.

"I'll be going now, I'll leave you be. Anything you need, just call."

"I will." I sad as I pulled my phone out and turned back to the car. It was a reminder that read: Look in the center compartment. I love you.

I looked at the car and back at my phone. "Another surprise?" I mumbled as I made my was over to my car and sat in the drivers seat. I gripped the steering wheel and took a deep breath to calm the butterflies that had came to my stomach. I opened up the center compartment and was slightly confused. There lay an envelope, it was pretty thick. I grabbed it and opened the flap, to my surprise it was filled with many hundred dollar bills and a note on the front. The note read: This is for any expenses that you don't have money for.
I smiled, I felt happy, and loved but at the same time I was confused, sad, and lost.
"Well," I said, "I probably should head up stairs and get cleaned up then head for bed." What the heck, I was now talking to my self. I sighed and got out of the car. I headed inside and grabbed a snack, something quick but filling, and headed upstairs.
I quickly ate, got moved in, took a shower, then I was off to bed, ready to head out to the new world that lay ahead of me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tell me what you think about it so far. =)