Status: I'm workin on it! The interesting parts will be coming up soon. PREPARE FOR SUSPENCE!!! :D

Black Velvet

Oh Snap!

The sun was warm on my face as I rolled over the next morning. I glanced at my new phone and it was seven fifteen a.m. I rolled back over onto my back and ran my hands through my hair as I stared at the ceiling.

"First day at the new school...oh joy!" I mumbled as i rubbed my eyes and sat up, my voice was filled with sarcasm. I rolled out of bed and got into the shower. It was the first day of school so I wanted to look nice. Once I was done I did my hair, make-up, and got dressed. I looked in the mirror at myself, one last look, i nodded at myself in approval. I had on a green tank top with a white throw over button up shirt, black Capri's, and brown tennis shoes on. My hair was straightened and my bangs had a slight curl upon the edges. I had on mascara and eye liner. The necklace that my mother gave me and my favorite bracelet lay upon my neck and wrist. I looked quite nice if you ask me. I smiled at myself and walked downstairs. I grabbed a little something to eat and headed to my car.

I slid into the drivers seat and started it up. I shivered at how nice it sounded. Oh man how I was going to love this car. I chuckled at myself, I never realized how much of a dork I was till
I backed out. I just couldn't stop shivering and smiling.

"Thank you mom and dad." I said to myself as I drove down the driveway away from the house and towards a new beginning.

Once I got to school I parked and headed to the main office, the whole time looked for Rainys car. When I realized I wasn't at my old school my stomach dropped. I missed Rainy so much I just wanted to call her. Can I call her? If so, when could I call her? Now that I was thinking about it, it was going to remain on my mind for the whole day until I called her.

Walking through the halls was a challenge. The school that I had came from was much smaller than this one. Not only was I lost in my own mind and world, but I had no clue as to where I was going.

"Excuse me, do you know where the main office is?" I asked the lady behind the desk.

"Yes I do know where it's at." she replied in an annoying voice. It sounded as if she had swallowed a squeaky toy or something. It was quite hilarious when she spoke fast, or so I pictured.

I nodded and smiled in hoping that she would clue me in on as to where it was located. We
both stood there looking at each other, nodding and smiling.

"So, do you think that you could tell me where it's located?" I finally asked, trying not to get pissy. She just nodded.

"I don't think I can I know I can, the fact that you won't ask me is the funny part." She said with a smile. I was about ready to pop off with a smart ass remark but decided against it.

"Fine, will you please, mam, tell me where it might be located?" I said trying to stay calm and not show any attitude when I'm sure I was.

"Well it's right here, your lookin at it." She said with attitude, like a 'ha you weren't smart enough to see the main office sign above the window you dumb ass'. "You do know that using the correct language is going to get you a lot farther than demanding, Ashlynn."

"Whoa, for one, how the hell do you know my name and for two how the hell was I demanding! All I wanted to know was where the main office was you could of had the piece of mind to help out a new student." I said basically yelling. At this point in time I wasn't caring if attitude was showing or not.

"For one, I know your name cause Officer Jennings told me you are a new student and let me know that you were going to attend today. And two, he told me you would act that way. So, here are your classes and books. And I see you have no notebooks? Well no worries, here are three green ones to match your car." she said and handed them all to me.

"Can i say something?" I asked.

"Say away."

I picked up my stuff and ran a hand through my hair. "So you say i was using improper English correct?" I asked her.

"Well yes I do believe I said that."

I nodded and smiled. "You should really know your English before you start drilling someone else about it because you are not supposed to start a sentence with a conjunction, nor are you supposed to use 'cause' because it is also a form of improper English." I finished, smiled, and walked off. The look on her face was to the point of her wanting to die because she was just proved wrong by a student. I walked down and bound my locker. It was a full top to bottom locker. I opened it and put my books inside then looked at my schedule.

"Yay.....English. Lets see if this one likes my stories like my last one did, with hate." I mumbled as I grabbed my English book and headed down the hall to the English room.

I came in on a lecture. "Wow, senior English and they are just learning about nouns...amazingly awesome!" i mumbled sarcastically. The first glance I took around the room I knew that this would be an interesting year.

"You must be Ashlynn." The teacher said.

"Oh god help me." I mumbled again under my breath as I nodded. She sounded like she had a nasal issue. I walked up to the front of the room, handed her my papers and had a seat in the back of the classroom. She started yakking again so I pulled out my notebook and started drawing. The classes seemed to drag on and on and on. I think I heard all the kids in the room take a sigh of relief when the bell rang. We all busted out of the door like the room was on fire.

The rest of the day drug on and on. I was falling asleep before lunch. Surprisingly we had some amazing food at lunch. A full salad and pizza bar, it was so good.

When the final bell of the day rang I headed to my car. When I got in, I started it up and made my way back home.

"Home sweet home." I said when I turned my car off. "Well the first day at school wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."

Grrrrr, "Oh man, am I hungry." I said as I held my growling stomach. "Time to eat."

I got out of the car and headed inside. I went up stairs and kicked my shoes off and threw my bags on the floor. I changed into something comfortable and headed back down stairs to fill my tummy.

"Hmmm, what do I want?" I asked myself. "Pizza pockets sound yummy." I laughed at my stomach cause it agreed. The second I said 'pizza pockets' it growled. I popped some in the microwave and got me a soda. Once my pizza pockets were done I decided to go out side for tonight's dinner.

I sat down at the patio table that was on my back patio and took a deep breath. The air was fresh and smelt like sea salt. I smiled, kicked my feet up on the chair that was beside me, grabbed a pizza pocket and popped it in my mouth.

"Holy shit!" I yelled and spit it back on my plate. "Those son of a bitches are hella hot!" I popped the top on my soda and drank about half of it. While I let my pizza pockets cool down I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"I wonder." I dialed Rainys number and pressed send, hoping she would pick up.
ring....ring..."Oh come on Rainy."....ring...ring....ring..."Answer, please."....ring...ri--"Hello?" A voice came on the phone.

"Hi is Rainy there?" I asked.

"Yeah hold on." The voice said, they sounded slightly annoyed.

"Hello." She said. The way she says hello it sounds more like yellow than hello.

"Rainy? It's me."

"I'm sorry I don't know a 'me.'"

"Rainy, its Ashlynn."

"OMG! Ashlynn! AHHHHH! Girl whats up?!" Her mood totally changed.

"Nothing much just chillin what about you?"

"Well..." She sighed.

"What is it Rainy? Whats wrong?"

"I....I got into a fight with mom. She kicked me out of the house. I'm packing up now."

"What! Why! What over? Where are you going?"

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

"Oh bull shit!"

"What? I will be."

"Yeah, will be. How long is 'will be' from now? I can tell your not fine cause your voice keeps
cracking. I know you have been crying cause when you cry you shake, I can tell your shaking cause I can hear the phone hitting your favorite earring's. I'm not stupid."

She didn't respond.

"When are you leaving?"


"Where do you plan on going?"

"I dunno."

"How are yo getting to where you are going?"

"I dunno."

I ran my hand over my face and looked at the clock. I nodded in approval of the time, I knew what I had to do.

"Meet me on the highway at that seven eleven gas station. I'll be there in an hour."

"Wait, what?"

"You heard me. Higway -- seven eleven -- in an hour. Now, no arguing. I'll explain when I
know you are okay and standing in front of me alive."

"Okay, fine, highway -- seven eleven -- an hour. I'll be there."

"Good, you better be."

"See you then"

"Kay." She said. "And Ashlynn?"



"Yeah no problem, your my sister I'll do anything for even if it is risking my well being and live for, I'll do it." I waited a few seconds then hung up the phone.

I grabbed my soda and pizza pockets and sent inside. I put the pizza pockets in a bowl and put more in the microwave for the ride. While they were cooking I went up stairs to get my shoes and keys. I practically ran down the stairs, flew into the kitchen, grabbed the pizza pockets out of the microwave, and dumped them in the bowl with the rest and ran into the garage. I got into the car and went to put the key in and stopped.

"Shit!" I jumped out of the car and ran back inside.

"I grab the food but not the dam keys!" I laughed at myself as I ran into the house and grabbed my keys. With a smile on my face and shaking my head, I jumped into the car, started it up, opened the garage door, backed up, and flew down the drive way. I hit the highway and I was gone. I was off to save my best friend and hope to god that I wouldn't be attacked again.