Status: ---Finished---

Arranged in the City In Love in the Suburbs

A Whole Different Story

“I know, I know, ‘Where’s Miss Crystal?’ well Miss Crystal can’t be here for the rest of the year. Something came up. So I am her new replacement, and no, I actually do have dance experience. And I don’t tolerate dancers who don’t like to dance.”

Today was my first night teaching and, I’ll admit, I was a little nervous. It was just my trial class, but I had to teach a combination after having only one say to prepare.

“Ok, now let’s get into a line, tallest to shortest to tallest.” I ordered. “Now I want you, you, and you to get into a line.” Eventually I got the girls into five lines of three, fifteen was a small class.

“Now, follow me. Switch right, switch left, double turn. Now trust me that’s fast. Now, switch right, switch left, double turn, hop, hop, rib-cage-four-times”


When I got home Crystal was on twitter, Anne was watching TV, and I was starving. I went into the pantry and got out a pack of Ramen. I was in heaven. I mean, I say that about all food that I probably shouldn’t eat, but still amazing. After I ate, I took a shower and went right to bed. I didn’t care if it was Tuesday night and I would be missing the results show of Dancing with the Stars.

I had the strangest dream that night. I was back at home, in New York, being chased with white lace, through a parking lot. I ran until I got to that bridge and when I couldn’t run, I jumped into the water. Once underneath, I shimmied out of the white gown I was in so I could swim faster. But when I got to the other side, I was still in the dress, and at a church. With all my friends and family, and ANDREW at the other side. In my dream I was getting married to Andrew!!!

When I woke up, I found out why. Jeff has Tweeted that me and him were now engaged and my psychotic mother responded with “Leslie Anne Mitchell, you are not to marry this man, this animal, have you seen him, he’s nothing but a gorilla!!! You are going to marry Andrew or let god strike me by lightning this very moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Yay, she’s gone.” I said to myself flatly.
“Who’s gone?”
“Look.” I gestured Crystal to the computer screen.
She read it, over and over and over, until she finally said, “Wow boo. Your mom is crazier than I remember.”

“When you were there, she wasn’t as bad. Without you, was a whole different story.”