Status: ---Finished---

Arranged in the City In Love in the Suburbs


I woke up the next morning to the sound of SpongeBob. I must have fallen asleep with the TV on again. I sleepily searched for the remote, and once the TV was off, my phone. I hit the unlock button twice and saw that it was 10:00, way later than what I normally am. But the thing that surprised me more than that, the ten voicemails on my phone. All from Andrew, Alec, and – of course – Jeff.

All the messages from Andrew were to be expected. “What do you mean I don’t trust you?”, “I’m an arrogant what?”, and my favorite, “If Alec were any real friend, he would do it for free!!” That’s the one that I wasn’t expecting. From Alec I got the typical, “Why would you ever think something like that!” And from Jeff, “What happened last night? Is everything ok with your family? Sorry I couldn’t help.”
It was Sunday so I decided to treat Anne and Crystal to breakfast. Anne wanted Pegasus, even though I HATE that place. But we went anyway.
“What are we gonna do today?” Anne asked about five thousand times on the way to the diner.
“Whatever Aunt Leslie says.” Crystal would always respond. I could tell she was still mellow from the night before.
“So, I was thinking of going back up to New York tonight.” I stated.
“Noooo,” Anne whined from the back seat. “You have to stay. I love you.”
“I love you too sweetie. But I have to go home. Grandma’s gonna miss me eventually.”
“Yea, but grandpa won’t.” Cryst stated under her breath.
“Shut up! But seriously. I’m gonna stay here with you the week before the wedding. I’ll be here from this Wednesday to next Friday. If that’s ok with you?”
“Of-course it is!” Anne squealed. “She’s gonna live with us! She’s gonna live with us!” She sung.
I looked at Crystal, “It’s perfectly fine” she said.
I cranked up the tunes. But after I changed the station. Justin Bieber’s “Baby” was on, AND I HATE JUSTIN BIEBER!!!!! Just ask Crystal.

Breakfast went as usual. Anne got the Chocolate Chip pancakes. I got the Ham and Cheese Omelet. And Crystal got the Waffles. We all ate in silence with the occasional, “Yummm.” or “This is super good!” or “Mmmmmm”. But the car ride home was full of Anne screaming Justin Bieber. Yea I know I love her, but seriously. That kid was on the verge of death with that.