Status: Just started, hope everyone enjoys :) COMMENT xo

Promise Me



Its supposed to make you feel insanely happy, like anything is possible and bring pure joy. But to Isabelle Richmond, it only brings pain and destruction. Her whole life, love has changed everything, and left her with the idea that love doesnt exist. She believes fairytales are just silly stories told to children, and that she'll spend the rest of her life alone and independent. And shes okay with that. Love doesnt exist. End of story.

Until that summer.

Walls get built just to be torn down, every idea Belles ever held close to her is being challenged, and Nick Jonas turns her life upside down. Belle wants so badly to be the independent woman shes always imagined, but in the arms of Nick Jonas its hard not to feel tht spark of magic, the magic shes always promised herself she would never feel.