Status: Just started, hope everyone enjoys :) COMMENT xo

Promise Me

When Fools Rush In


I got home that night just as the sun had descended, leaving the sky a beautiful eggplant purple. The air had cooled down increasingly, and i let myself into the house, a broad smile on my face. I didnt want to admit it, but i had fun today. Nick wasnt who i thought he was, and although i wasnt totally convinced, i was willingly to try ‘being friends with him’.

“There you are! You’ve been gone all day. Hows your Nickybooboo?” I glared at Blake seeing him and Faith curled up on the couch watching Pineapple Express.

“Shut up Blake. He’s not my ‘Nickybooboo’. Grow up.” He stuck his tongue out at me and I rolled my eyes playfully, making my way to the kitchen. I heard the patter of feet following me and knew Faith was waiting for details.

“So what did you guys do? Talk about? Tell me it all.” I grabbed a water bottle out of the firdge and a bag of grapes, placing them on the shiny kitchen counter.

“Theres not much to say Faith, we went sailing and talked about the wall. Then we came back. End of story.” I watched Faith eye me suspiciously, and i knew i couldnt tell her too much. If i even admitted telling her Nick wasnt that bad all hell would break lose in her wall, and she would try to convince me we were in love or some other Faith-like thing to say.

“Come on Belle, i know more than that happend. I want actual details.”

“Okay Faith.” I sighed, opening the bag of grapes and rinsing them in the sink. “We went to William, he let me borrow a boat, we went sailing, we talked about the wall, and then he told me he’d see me soon. It was a boring afternoon.” I popped a grape into my mouth and smiled in satisfaction at Faith’s fursterated face.

“Thats it? You went on what could have been a romantic afternoon sailing and all you guys did was talk about the wall? Nothing else? Are you out of your mind?” I laughed as she freaked out, leaning back and watching Blake wrap her in his arms.

“You better relax her Blake, she looks like shes going to implode.” Fith glared at me from behind Blakes arms and i waved at her as i walked up the stairs, giggling under my breath.

I plopped onto my bed, swinging my bag up and unpacking everything inside. As i reached my phone i noticed i had new text messages.

I had a really good time today Belle. See you soon :) -N I smiled as i read Nicks message, letting my stomach erupt with butterflies. For some reason, hearing from him made me smile. I quickly tried to shake off the feeling, although part of me felt like i could fly if i wanted to. I was about to quickly close my phone when i noticed the message icon on the bottom of the phone still...

Hey gorgeous, cant wait to see you again :) I swallowed hard reading this. I had forgotten about Jack today, forgot he had invited me on a second date. And for some reason, no butterflies erupted in my stomach. This needed to be fixed, NOW.

Hey Jack, I cant wait either :) When will i see you again? I had to remember that Jack was the one i was dating, and Nick would remain a friend only. I had to focus, because as a rule to myself i only dated a guy a few times then it was over. I wouldnt put my heart at risk, and that was the end of the story.

Tomorrow night too soon? Jack responded. I thought about it, Nick was going to take me around tomorrow and i wasnt sure how long that would be. I could cut it short an just tell him i had to meet Jack... I started responding before i could even think about it.

I’m actually busy tomorrow :( Saturday sound good? Okay, so i would give the day to Nick. I was honestly curious about tomorrow, and if i rescheduled my date to saturday i would have more time to get ready. At least, thats what i was telling myself.


I quickly showered and changed into my pajamas, settling into the cold sheets of my bed. The darkness settled over me, and i heard the faint sound of the waves hitting the shore mixed with Faiths laughter echoing from downstairs. My body felt exhausted, the mucles in my arms more sore than they ever have been. That usually happens my first day back at sailing. Yet, no matter how tired i was my brain was energized, replaying the memory of the day over and over.

Like a broken record.

Ugh, i hated when this happend. I rolled over so i was facing the window and looked out, the only light was the moonlight streaming in. I was honestly curious about the following day, what Nick had in store.

Then i thought about his laugh, the way it made me smile and the deep chocolate brown color of his eyes. I thought about his curly hair and his perfect lips, the way his voice made me lose my breath.

I was almost falling for him.

But i wouldnt, because love doesn tlast forever, and when its gone all you have left is little broken pieces of your heart, trying desperately to glue them back together. I couldnt live like that. Besides, as i noticed before, hes probably trained to make a girl feel this way. He is a rockstar, for goodness sake. I had to protect my heart, i had to keep myself focused on the wall. Soon, the summer will be over and i wont be in this mess.

I got out of bed making my way to the open window and crawling out onto the roof, laying down to look up at the stars.

I missed my father, i missed the scruff of his beard tickling my cheeks as he kissed me goodnight and the smell of him after he got home from work, a mixture of sea salt and sunscreen. I missed being happy. And with the memory of my father lingering over me in a wave of comfort, i fell asleep.


“Belle. Belle wake up.” I grunted at Faiths annoying pestering, the smell of chocolate chips pancakes wafting to my nose. I opened my eyes and realized i had fallen asleep on the roof, something dangerous, but normal for me. A blanket had been gently draped over me in the night and the morning dew had dampened my hair. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, crawling back into the house and seeing the clock say 10:56 AM.

“Who is making pancakes?” I questioned, running a hand through my hair and tossing it up on my head in a messy bun making my way to the bathroom. Faith followed.

“Blake. Are you hanging with us today?” She questioned. I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth, thinking of a good way to respond without her freaking out like i knew she would.

“I’m going with Nick to talk more about the wall. He insists since i showed him ‘my side to the island and wall issue’ that it’s his turn now.” Faiths eyes lit up and she began squealing while clapping her hands.

“Yay! He likes you! Two dates in a row! What are you going to wear?” I scoffed.

“These aren’t dates Faith, these aren’t even friendly hangouts. It’s strictly business.” She rolled her eyes as we made our way back to our room. I pulled a turquoise tank top out, the top and bottom lined in delicate white lace and grabbed a pair of my ripped daisy duke shorts, getting ready to go out. Nick never really told me what time he’d arrive and I had to make sure this time I wasnt taken by surprise.

“For now, maybe. But i have faith things will change. “ I ignored her comment and quickly changed, letting my har dry into soft waves and applied a small amount of makeup. After slipping on my old cowgirl boots i wandered downstairs following the scent of pancakes.

“There you are. Are you ready?” Nick asked. I nearly jumped out of my skin.

“Why is this the second time i have come downstairs to find you eating pancakes at my kitchen table without my knowledge?” He swallowed a bite of pancake and smiled at me, a goofy grin that i couldn’t help but find absolutely adorable and got up, wiping his mouth off and carrying his dishes to the sink.

“I rang the doorbell and everything. Sorry to take you by surprise.” I smiled at him grabbing my purse off the coat rack and flicking a strand of hair out of my face.

“I guess it’s okay, are you ready to leave?” He nodded, taking my place by the door to hold it open for me. I walked out into the summer heat, and heard Faith scuffling behind us.

“Bye you two! Have a good time! We wont wait up!” I glared at her, watching as she winked and closed the door. I felt my cheeks heat up... I would have my revenge on her. Nick smiled at me, obviously catching on to what Faith was insinuating and led me to his BMW, the shiny black leather hot against my legs as i slid into seat.

“So are you ready for our day of epic adventure?” Nick questioned, beginning to follow the sandy road into town. I watched the way he concentrated closly on every turn and bump.

“That depends, what’s on the agenda?”

“I thought we’d start the day off by having lunch at the most popular resturant in town.” I gulped. That sounded like a date to me.

“Thats how your going to convince me about everything, taking me to lunch?” He smiled, taking his eyes offf the road for a moment to meet my own. Goosebumps popped up along my skin annoyingly.

“Well, heres the catch. I’m not bringing security.” I rolled my eyes laughing, leaning back into the buttery seats.

“Yeah? I thought you were ‘normal’. If thats true then not having security wouldnt seem so weird for you right now.”

“You think this is a joke? Wait till you see what happens. Then you wont be making sarcastic little remarks.”


We entered town and immediately Nick led us to one of the fanciest, and most known resturants in town. It’s located on the edge of the water, on a glass balcony with white clothed tables. Wine glasses filled to the brim with imported ice water sat upon each table, next to a crystal vase of ballerina pink lillies. Shiny, polished silverware was placed symmertrically upon a oragami folded napkin, and the food was practically carried out on silver platters. I stared in awe as Nick grabbed my hand, pulling me through the line of people waiting to be seated. We reached the podium where a short lady with long black hair pinned back professionally met our gaze.

“ hi.” She sared at Nick nervously, immediately noticing wo he was and freaking out. I tried not to laugh.

“Hi. I have a reservation for Jonas.” Imeediately every person waiting looked up shocked, reminding me of a group of deer in the woods who hear a hunters approaching footsteps.

Mouths dropped open.

One small girl let out a scream.

And im pretty sure every camera phone in the are was whipped out to begin snapping pics.

“Yeah. Yes uh of course! Right this way.” The woman grabbed two menus, not taking her eyes off Nick as she led us through the maze of tables. Eyes followed us the whole way there from every table, all of them going into Jonas shock.

“Let me know if theres anything i can get you. I mean anything.” She winked at Nick as she walked away, doing what she must have thought as a seductive strut. I rolled my eyes.

“Well that was weird.” I stated, looking across at a satisfied Nick.

“I told you. People will freak out, fans can get pretty intense. It wont be long now until complete hysteria will let loose.” I took a sip of the ice water, not sure if i believe him. Not sure if i wanted to believe him.

“Uh hi. I’m Amelia and i will be your waitress this afternoon. Can i start you off with a beverage?” Our attention went to the waitress, who was all over Nick like a bee on honey. I felt invisible.

“I’ll have a diet coke please. And for you Belle?” The waitress looked over to me- barely.

“I’ll have an iced tea with lemon please.” Amelia nodded and walked off, another satisfied Nick looking at me.

“Okay, so people are noticing your here. And they are treating you like your freaking Edward Cullen or something, but i have yet to see any moment where your safety is jeopardized. So...what? We are going to sit here and have a nice lunch together at the fanciest resturant in town?”

“Yes, thats exactly what we’re going to do. By the end of this meal we’re going to have to call security to come and rescue us. And psh im hotter than Edward Cullen.” I laughed at this comment, watching as a nervous Amelia appeared with a tray of our drinks, nearly knocking mine into my lap. Too hypnotized by Nick. At least i wasnt the only one.

We quickly ordered our meals, two spaghetti primaveras with shrimp. As Nick ordered for us i giggled watching Amelia just stare at him talk, not even writing down what we wanted. After Nick finished speaking, she stood there for a moment just staring at him, and finally she stumbled her way back to the kitchen.

“Those fans are always the weirdest. The ones who just stand there and stare like im some kind of alien.”He made an uncomfortable face. I looked around and noticed most people surrounding us, even people not on the deck of the resturant, were staring at him exactly that way. Or, staring at US i should say.

“Yeah, it’s odd. I’m sure you love it though, more publicity for the Jobros.” He rolled his eyes.

“Oh, come on. I’m not attention starved, in fact id rather not be in the spotlight. I never know what to do or say.” He shifted nervously in his seat as he started to finally notice the people gawking at us like circus exhibits.

“So, people are staring. Amelia the waitress can barely breathe when shes near you. When does the part when we need security come?”

“I’d estimate by the time we finish our meals. Right now all the people who have seen us come in here are caling other fans, who call other fans, and by the time we try to leae we’ll be barricaded in. It’s gets kind of...intense.”

It was weird how small things about Nick surprised me. I thought he would revel in the attemtion, suck it up like a sponge and go into rockstar mode. Try and brag to me...but he didn’t. He was really down to Earth, seeming to care more about his music than his apperance, and i really respected that.

Finally our meals arrived, steaming and smeilling absolutely delicious. We ate slowly, not saying much as we enjoyed the food and each others company. I was trying to convince myself he was still the enemy but looking at him made that completely impossible. I was finishing the last few bites off my plate when it started.

A timid girl, looking to be about five years old slowly ascended from her chair, fluffing her blonde curls hanging from pigtails. After adjusting her little pink dress, she looked to her mother who handed her a napkina nd pen, and pushed her toward our table. I watched carefully.

“Escuse me, are you Nick Jonas?” She asked, staring up into Nicks gorgeous eyes. he msiled, brushing his lips with a napkin and nodding his head.

“I am. Would you like an autograph?” He questioned. The girl nodded her head, staring at him with complete love in her eyes as she handed over the items in her hand. The whole thing was completely adorable...until complete hell broke loose.

I’m guessing that after everyone saw one girl asked for an autograph, it was meet and greet time cause immediately people sprinted to us from their tables, some even from the docks. I watched in amazement as they hopped over the fence, past the hostess and swarming us.

“Nick, sign my shirt!”

“Nick i love you! Marry me!”

“Nick will you go out with me next week?”

They surrounded us, as pens and numerous items were thrown down onto the table to be autographed. I lost Nick from complete sight as felt my seat being pulled away from the table and pushed away from some guy, so he could get closer.

What. The. Hell? It was time for action. I stood up quickly, pushing my way into the crowd and pushing people out of the way as best i could.

“Nick, where are you? Should i call the police?!” I yelled over the madnes, seeing his scared face from the center of the mayhem. He got up and tried making his way towards me, but that only made the people more excited as they all smothered him for hugs and questions. Now i was really sarting to panic.

I dived back into the crowd, shamelessy elbowing people in an attmept to save Nick from being eaten alive. I saw him signing whatever was handed at him, shurgging away from the girls trying to get him to hug them, and i looked around for a police officer or someone i could rely on for help.

“Nick, call your security!” I yelled through the loudness, hoping he could hear me. Before i could see whether or not he had, i felt myself being pushed back by strong arms who quickly carried me towards the kitchen doors. I thought to scream, to fight the person trying to drag me away, but as i I looked up I saw a tall, big, but familair figure and sighed in relief. Big Rob, thank goodness.

“Stay here!” He yelled, running back to the swarm of people surrounding Nick. The crowd had gotten considerably bigger in the lat ten minutes. I estimated it to be over a hundred, seeing as the deck we had previously been sitting at was not even visible anymore due to the crowd.

I watched with worried eyes for a minute, wondering if i should get more help, if Nick would be okay when he got out. I heard him when he said there would be chaos, but this was out of control.

Finally i saw Big Rob, and sighed in relief. The corners of my eyes now had worried tears, as i saw him pushing Nick towards the kitchen doors after me. He smallmed them shit behind us, locking them and finally i realized i hadnt been breathing.

“Holy shit Nick! Are you okay?” I asked, the tears running down my face as i saw him sitting on the ground. His shirt was slightly ripped, and his arm was cut but he looked back with that perfect smile.

“Yeah, I’m okay. Wait...Belle are you crying?” I rubbed my eyes feverishly, looking away from him and clearing my throat.

“” I relpied quietly. That may have been one of the scariest moments of my life. Nick got up, walking over to me with concerned eyes and pulled me into a hug.

“No, your crying. I’m so sorry! I didn’t think it would happen like that, i didnt mean to scare you. Are you okay?” I couldnt quite respond yet as i took in his smell, which was AMAZING. Was this heaven?

“Yeah, are YOU okay? I thought they crushed you, i thought you were gonna die!” I reaized my voice sounded panicky. That i was a mess right now and would be completely embarassed later. But Nick was safe, that madness was over, and thats all that mattered.

“I’m fine, a little ruffed up but nothing serious. I’m sorry i scared you like that, from now on security will accompany us in public.” I leaned away from the hug and looked at him questioningly.

“We’re going to be in public together again?” He smiled at me, taking my hand and following Big Rob who escorte dus to the car that was not strategically parked out front, the road blocked off for us by police.

“Yes, if this wall is such a big deal to you then we’re going to explore each others sides completely. This was one day one in our bonding time.” I rolled my eyes and laughed, relaxing into the buttery black leather. The quiet in the car seemed odd now, as we drove down the abandoned road.

“I guess I can survive that.” I relished the moment we smiled at each other, although i’d never admit that to anybody. The black SUV followed the car down the road, passing the street my cottage was on and continuing on.

“Uh, where are we going now?” I wondered, the nervousness soon returning. nick patted my leg in a comforting way.

“My house.” I gulped. The last time i was at the Jonas home i was not very nice, in fact that’s how this entire thing got started. What was i supposed to say to them? Did they hate me for not wanting them to build the wall? Would there be awkward confrontation? Did they know Nicks plan for me and him today? Immediately the food in my stomach felt like it was making its way back up, and i gripped the leather seat uncomfortably.

“Belle? Are you okay?” Nick questioned, seeing me suddenly change into discomfort.

“I dont know, i think it might be weird being at your house. Seeing as me and your family are having the same disagreement you and I are having, about the wall. They probably hate me.”

“No, my family doesnt hate you. My family has no bad feelings toward you, they understand where your coming from, they just wish you could se more from where we are coming from. I can assure you they will be happy having you at our house.” I swallowed back the nautious feeling, my discomfort not being appeased.

“Still, this whole thing is going to be awkward. I’m a mess too, after that disaster we just survived through. Maybe another day would be better...” Suddenly Nick grabbed my shoulders, pulling me so that i was eye to eye with him. I felt his warm breath fan across my face, and instinctivly i leaned further towards him. His warm chocolate eyes searched mine, and i knew i was falling for his charm.

“You look beautiful, not a mess. I really think you should meet my family, as a part of my day trying to sway your decision. Please?”

Let me just draw attention to the fact that Nick had just called me beautiful. His lips were an inch away from mine. The fact i could barely breathe when i was this close to him, putting me at a disadvantage.

I knew he was trained in the art of charm, and even though i desperately wanted to call him the enemy, looking into his gorgeous eyes and feeling his warm, calloused hands gripping my shoulders made me give him a shy nod. When Nick Jonas charms you like this, there’s no saying no. When i was with him, a different side of me came out. I wasn’t sure if i was okay with it or not, but for now i was secretly willing to allow it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please give me some criticism on this chapter. I feel like it's really long and has too much extra detail in it, but i also feel like those details might make the story stronger. Please let me know what you think :) Comment!

Also, sorry for mistakes.