Serendipity Girl

Serendipity Girl

Anna Anarchy says:
How's the search going?

I'm a barrel of monkeys says:
Fucking horrible, do you know how few bass players are out there, no less good ones!

Anna Anarchy says:
Holy shit, did you say bass!

I'm a barrel of monkeys says:
Yes Watson.

Anna Anarchy says:
I have your guy.

I'm a barrel of monkeys says:
No Anna, I don't want any of your little teenage friends. At least eighteen, I'm not babysitter.

Anna Anarchy says:
Shut your face this guy is awesome.

I'm a barrel of monkeys says:
Why because its your boy toy?

Anna Anarchy says:
No, just give this guy a chance.

I'm a barrel of monkeys says:
How do I know he's up for it?

Anna Anarchy says:
Trust me, he is, definitely.

I'm a barrel of monkeys says:
Well we've got a practice today, my place so bring his sorry butt here round four, kay?

Anna Anarchy says:

I literally run out of the house, I even forget the fact that I'm wearing only my plaid pajama pants and baby blue tank top as I cross the lawn. I get to the next house and bang on the door.
"Hey Anna," Jay says, he's dressed, "Why are you in your pajamas?" I look down at my clothing but look back up at him.
"Never mind that, I got great news." I can feel myself grinning like crazy, "My cousin's band got a record deal but their bassist quit leaving an opening."

His eyes light up. "My cousin said you could come by for a trial today at four."
"Fuck, that's awesome!" he says ecstatic, "Where exactly?"
"His house, I'll give you the address."

Later, when I'm actually dressed, me, Joey, Jay and Kad pile into Joey's car. We go for the twenty minute car ride to the next suburb where my cousin lives. We park in front of the house, I could tell Jay is nervous as fuck.

The garage door is open and I can see my cousin pounding away on his drum set. Jay gets his bass out of the car trunk and we head to the garage.
"Hey cousin," Darrel says as he stops his drumming.
"Hey Dare," I say slowly. "This is Jay, his girlfriend Kad and this is Joey." I see my cousin snicker.
"Good to meet all of you," the twenty-one year old behind the drum set says as he gets up. "So Jay, you going to play a riff for me or what?"

Jay nods nervously as he goes over to the bass amp sitting in the corner of the garage and plugs in. Darrel eyes me carefully as Jay sets up. Its like he could tell by the way Joey's arms were around me that we did the dirty a couple nights ago. But I don't care, I'm not ashamed, it was great and I can't wait to do it again next chance we get.

He shakes his head and turns to Jay.
"How old are you?"

Jay clears his throat nervously, "Sixteen."
"Nothing," Darrel mumbles, "Go ahead and play."

Jay starts playing some pretty intense riffs, as Darrel nods appreciatively.
"What do you know, Anna knows her shit," Darrel says after the riff is over, Jay smiles.
"So you mean-"
"I'm not making any promises, my band has to hear you and shit but damn you're good."

A van pulls into the driveway and two guys get out. Josh and Alex.
"Which one is the bassist?" The taller one asks.
"Me," Jay says just loud enough for them to hear.
"You gotta be kidding," The shorter one says, "You're a kid."
"Shove it Alex," Darrel says, "He can play like there's no tomorrow."

Alex initiates that they play a few covers first to see if Jay's compatible with the band. By the end, Kad is sitting tight hoping for the best. Darrel, Josh and Alex went inside the house to discuss.

"Oh fuck," Jay says putting his head in his hands, "I'm so fucking nervous, I think I fucked up."
"Dude you were fine," Joey says nodding.

The three bandmates come back into the garage.
"Okay kid, you've wowed us, you're in," Josh says, Jay practically leaps into the ceiling he's so happy.

Everyone starts yapping excitedly, I couldn't be happier for Jay. Darrel pulls me aside.
"Told you he was good," I say putting my hands on my hips.
"Yeah," he says absent mindedly, "That's not the guy I want to talk about."
"Okay," I say laughing. "What about him?"
"How long have you two been going out?"
"Uhh since the middle of July, so ten months," I say shrugging.
"He seems like a nice enough guy."
"He is," I reassure.
"Did you two have-"
"Not that its any of your business but yeah," I say crossing my arms.
"I could tell," he mumbles, "By the way he is around you."
"Umm," I say confused.
"Just listen, if he ever does something you don't like, I'm more than willing to amputate his balls."
"Thanks for the offer," I say smiling, "But that won't be necessary."
"Hey Anna."
"Do you love him?" it doesn't take me a second to answer, it just came naturally.

Darrel nods and mouths, "He loves you."