Defining the Word "Groupie"

Prologue: The Pact

The sun was beating down hard on the pavement where Olivia was biking over to her friend Lizzie's house. Olivia kept looking down at the four pints of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream starting to perspire in her bike basket. She peddled faster as she turned onto Lizzie's street. She stopped in front of the last white house on the street, and she immediately hopped off her bike and pushed it up the steep driveway and over to the side of the house. She pulled the bag of ice cream out before heading to the back door of the house. Olivia knocked only once before her friend Tania opened the door and gave Olivia a big hug.

"Hey! What's up?" Tania said as the two of them went inside the house. The two were in Lizzie's basement, and Olivia quickly put the ice creams in the freezer before going over and sitting on the couch with Tania.

"Nothing much. Already bored. It's only been summer for what, three days? Where are the other two by the way?" Olivia said, realizing that Lizzie and Farrah were missing.

"Last time I saw them they went up to Lizzie's room for her laptop charger. I think they might have gotten lost,"

"Let's go find them, shall we?" Olivia said as the two headed up the two flights of stairs to Lizzie's room. They opened the door and saw that Lizzie and Farrah were intently staring at the computer screen.

"Way to ditch us," Tania said jokingly, but Lizzie and Farrah were too distracted by the computer to notice.

"Is there an Abercrombie and Fitch stripping on there or what?" Olivia asked walking over to the computer.

"Where?" Farrah yelled, turning away from the computer looking before looking around frantically. Everyone laughed as Farrah stuck her tongue out. Lizzie just looked at everyone and smiled.

"Guess who just won four tickets to Warped Tour on Ebay?" Lizzie said quietly, a smile beaming across her face. Tania and Olivia screamed and attacked Lizzie in a hug before all four of them looked at the computer screen. Lizzie had just beaten out all the other bidders and had won the Warped Tour tickets, seeing as the show was sold out and all four girls didn't have tickets yet.

The girls all spoke at once, unable to hide their excitement at going to Warped Tour. Even though a few of them wouldn't admit it, all four of them loved music more than most things. Music was the thing that connected them when the four of them met in a music technology class their freshman year of high school. The four have been inseparable ever since.

The four girls spent the rest of the afternoon looking at the Warped Tour website and dancing to their favorite music seeing as they could barely think from all of the excitement and adrenaline running through their system.

When the sun was setting, their adrenaline high simmering down, the four retreated to Lizzie's basement to pull out their sleeping bags and eat their ice cream and the pizza they just had delivered.

"Finally something to keep the summer interesting," Lizzie said.

"I know. We have to make this summer as memorable as possible," Tania agreed.

"It's our last summer together. Then, we're going to be going to different colleges and maybe we'll drift apart." Lizzie said downtrodden.

"Hell no. We'll never stop being friends no matter what! This summer is going to be unforgettable!" Olivia said, spilling a little ice cream on her lap. She shrieked at how cold it was, and they all began to laugh.

"Can you imagine if we got to meet some of the guys from the bands," Lizzie said as the laughing subsided. Farrah's eyebrows rose for a moment as she began biting her lip.

"That would be pretty cool. A couple hugs would be super," Olivia said innocently. Farrah sat up and smiled a coy grin.

"What if we could get more than hugs. Wouldn't that be more memorable?" Farrah said. The other three looked at each other.

"You mean autographs too?" Tania said carefully.

"I mean going all the way," Farrah said proudly. Olivia's eyes widened as she froze mid bite of ice cream. Lizzie began contemplating it as Tania just shook her head no.

"How the hell would we do that?" Lizzie said curiously.

"We'd figure it out." Farrah shrugged.

"Hold on a minute. Not to be a prude, but wouldn't we look like sluts if we did that?" Tania said nervously. Olivia still didn't move. Farrah shook her head no.

"You guys have been complaining that you want this summer to be memorable. Wouldn't this be memorable? Don't you guys want to know what you're doing before college anyways? I do. The thing is that I don't want to waste my virginity on a jerk from our hometown who is going to grow up to take over his dad's plumbing business. I want to get it from a real man who knows how to sing and make me feel good. Olivia, say something." Farrah said looking at Olivia. Olivia just looked down and blushed.

"We'd be groupies." Olivia said bluntly.

"What are groupies anyways? They're fans of the band. They want to make the band members feel just as good as the groupie feels listening to the music. Besides, why do we care what people think anyways? We're all leaving the state. Not like we're gonna have long conversations with any of the people anyways. Maybe we can get on a couple guests lists at other shows if everything works out."

"What about STD's and AIDS?" Tania questioned.

"...and getting pregnant," Olivia added.

"That's what condoms and Plan B pills are for. Come on girls, live a little. We always say we want to live on the edge and be spontaneous. Let's do all that now. Please?" Farrah begged. When she saw that no one answered her, she spoke again.

"I decided this is what I'm going to do. It would be more fun if the four of us would do it though," Farrah said quietly. The other three girls looked at each other.

"I'm in," Lizzie said quickly, a smile lighting up her face.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this. I'm in!" Tania said happily. The three other girls looked at Olivia, and they saw a smile on her face.

"You are all so crazy," She said shaking her head.

"So are you. Are you in?" Farrah said smiling.

"This sounds like the pregnancy pact thing from Lifetime," Olivia said truthfully.

"This isn't that life changing and just plain stupid. We're just going to have some fun, and do something that 99% of girls don't get to do in their lifetime. We get to have our dirty fantasy dreams about rockstars come true." Lizzie said. Lizzie and Olivia had always been the closest with each other, and with Lizzie's encouragement, Olivia nodded her head.

"Okay, I'm in." Olivia said.

"So it's a pact then?" Farrah said holding out her pinky finger.

"Pact," the four of them said, intertwining their pinky fingers. Even though there were some doubts in each girl's mind, in their hearts they wanted this. They wanted this summer to be memorable, and with each other's support they were excited for all the fun they were going to have on Warped Tour.
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