Defining the Word "Groupie"


I hated waking up in the morning. I could stay up until 3 am or go to bed at a decent time, and I still can not wake up easily in the morning. The day of Warped Tour was no different, except I had Lizzie shaking me. She must have lost some kind of bet to be the one waking me up. I must admit, I was like a monster in the morning.

"What do you want?" I asked sourly. She just shook me more.

"Warped Tour time!" She yelled. I groaned and attempted to hit her by flailing my arm in her direction.

"Missed me, missed me, now you have to kiss Gabe-y," She teased. She was right. I wasn't going to just sleep with anyone. I wanted the top prize. I wanted Senor Gabriel Saporta. I wanted him hard, fast, and as soon as possible. In the back of my mind, I wasn't sure how I was going to get him, but I was sure as hell going to try.

"Way to try and make 'Gabe' rhyme with 'me'," I heard Tania's voice crack. She must not be up either.

"Sorry Ms. "I'm-Going-To-Brown-University-To-Be-An-English-Major"," Lizzie teased at Tania before giggling and hurling her body at me. I groaned and opened my eyes to see nothing but her black hair in my face.

"Get off me!" I said pushing her away. She was my cousin, but gosh she could get hyper.

"If you want to go bang Saporta we need to go scout the place," Lizzie said.

She had a point.

I pushed her off me before looking out the window and realizing it was still pitch black outside.

"What time is it?" I said, wiping my eyes.

"Three AM," Lizzie said, holding out a Monster Energy drink to me. I took a sip of the bitter liquid before handing it back to her.

"It's so early."

"We're going to need the time to prep ourselves," Lizzie said. She was right once again.

"Okay, let me go take a shower." I said getting out of my sleeping bag, grabbing my bag, and heading to the other side of the basement to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and looked in my bag to see what I had brought to wear at Warped Tour. Some killed mini jean shorts that weren't too short to show my butt but pretty close, a red top that was just low cut enough to see a peep of my cleavage, and adorable sandals. Satisfied, I put my bag on the closed toilet before looking at myself in the mirror.

Not to sound vain, but the guys at school never showed as much interest in me as the other girls, though they should have. The reason they didn't notice wasn't because of my looks. These I knew I had. Not to be snotty, but I knew all the double takes guys would take when I walked past in a cute outfit on a good hair day. The reason was because I wasn't easy. I was a bit of a tease. I would flirt, but I wouldn't just blow them and do them after two weeks of dating. I barely even kissed on the first date. I didn't want to be a slut. The other girls in school, who definitely needed to learn the term Pro-Active treatment, would play beer pong all night with the boys before they'd hook up. I'd go to parties, but I'm not a big drinker and I definitely do not hook up.

Well, until Warped Tour I guess.

I didn't think of it as hooking up. I wasn't drunk, and it wasn't a random sleaze bag. I thought of it as practice. Practice so that when I found a decent guy, I'd have some idea of what to do. I was nervous, don't get me wrong, but I felt as though this was right. I felt bad pushing the other girls to do it, but these were my girls. If they didn't want to, I'd be totally fine with it. I just have a good feeling. A good, extremely nervous, feeling.

And with that feeling and a smile on my face I jumped in the shower, letting the warm water hit my back as I started singing "Wet Hot American Summer" under my breath.