Status: Complete

That Stupid Little Red-Headed Twit


Dear Diary,

I knew it!!! I KNEW I had read Flamel’s name somewhere!

Let me start out from the beginning. Earlier tonight, Neville hopped into the common room with the Leg-Locker Curse set on him by Malfoy. Me, knowing the counter-curse, took it off him, and then Harry comforted him by giving him a Chocolate Frog. The card was Dumbledore, and it said that he was friends with Nicholas Flamel, and then I remembered that I had checked out the book we needed WEEKS ago for some light reading! Well, I found him all right, and it turns out Flamel is the maker of the Philosopher’s Stone! I can’t BELIEVE I had forgotten who he was!!!

So now Harry and Ron think that Dumbledore is hiding the Stone for Flamel under the trapdoor. And you know, I agree. After everything we’ve discovered about that trapdoor, I bet that’s what’s under there. But Fluffy can’t be the only thing guarding it…there must be other things. Harry also thinks someone tried to steal it from Gringotts that day before school started, and it got me thinking…could Snape really want to steal the Stone? After all, he DID try to get past Fluffy on Halloween…but, Dumbledore trusts Snape! And if Dumbledore trusts him, then that must mean he’s ok…I don’t know. It’s all very confusing.

On the subject of Snape, he’s refereeing the next Quidditch match. I’m teaching Ron the Leg-Locker Curse in case we need to use it on him. There’s no way he’s going to try and hurt Harry this time!

♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry this isn't up sooner. I was totally exhausted yesterday, I'm suprised I updated my main fanfic. But, the good news is, I kicked ass at my three-hour testing seminar for Aikido, and I'm now a 5th kyu orange belt :D
btw, the chapters are short because this IS drabble. Just pointing that out. ^^