Status: Hiatus... I'm sorry, may get back to it.

Welcome to the Games

Press Coverage

“Hey Walker- Fuller wants to see you in his office.”

“Okay Jeff,” I said as he wandered back into his booth.

A big smile was plastered across my face; this one guy I’d been tracking had finally been caught, and he was finally on death row. Today was execution day. Now, normally people wouldn’t be happy about things like that; but when you’re an FBI agent you live for death penalties.

I was walking with an extra bounce in my step to Fuller’s office, curious as to what he wanted to talk to me about. Was he going to commend me? Would I be getting a small plaque like that brownnoser Adrian? That would be nice.

I opened the door, and my smile faded quickly. Fuller was there, a grave expression on his face. But he wasn’t there alone- he was accompanied by thirteen other people. We all introduced ourselves on Fuller’s orders.

There was Mr. and Mrs. Jonas, Lautner, Cyrus, Gomez and De La Garza- as well as a Mrs. Swift. I knew all of their children, of course; my nieces were huge fans. But the two people I didn’t know were a Mr. Hemsworth- whose brother seemed to be Miley Cyrus’ boyfriend- and Ms. Dupree. She was the agent for wildly popular author Zoe Smith. Most of the women, except the agent, had tear stains on their faces. That, or their eyes were red and puffy.

I didn’t have enough time to wander why the author’s parents weren’t here- as Fuller jumped right into an explanation.

“Walker,” he said, “I’m calling on you because you’re the best.”

I furrowed my brow, “I thought you thought Adrian was the best.”

Fuller shook his head. “Nah, he’s just an ass-kisser. I only gave him that award to shut up.” I smirked,
I knew it! “Stop looking so happy Walker.”

“Sorry boss,” I said, the smirk sliding off of my face.

“Good- now back to business. As I was saying, you’re the best we have. So, we’re trusting you with this case.”

I was itching to know what the damn thing was already! “What’s the case, boss?”

“I can show you better than I can tell you,” he said, pulling out a plastic bag with a piece of paper in it. Knowing this meant it was evidence, I decided not to remove the paper and- instead- read it through the plastic. I had to reread it.

“They’re,” I managed to splutter, “kidnapped?” Fuller nodded. “Two hundred million dollars?” He nodded again. I turned to the relatives. “I really don’t mean to be insensitive, but can’t you guys pay the money?”

“They could,” Fuller said, “but I’m not going to let them. Listen Walker, you’re a fairly new agent but I’ve been around much longer. And this looks familiar.”

“What? More celebrities being kidnapped?” I asked, shocked. “Fuller, you can’t be serious! How the hell am I supposed to get them back? If this person-”

“People,” he corrected as he searched through one of his desk drawers.

“Alright, if these people captured these kids- which are under strict supervision, I’m sure,” I said, turning to Mr. Jonas who nodded stiffly, “than how are we even going to get them back?”

“Look here.” Fuller pushed me an envelope which I opened. It had photocopies of a note, which I read. “What has a threat to John Kennedy have to do with-”

“Use your brain, Walker!” Fuller shouted. “The handwriting is exactly the same, and you see there- in the top right corner? That symbol. It’s the Nurse, Will.” He looked me in the eyes when he said my first name. “We almost have her, them, whatever. We already have loads of research and so much more. We can finally get her.”

“What if we can’t?”

“We have to.”

I stared at him long and hard, trying to see vulnerability. But I couldn’t. Fuller was set on getting those kids out. I couldn’t help but believe that we could do this.

“Okay,” I said. “I’ll take the case.”

“Excellent,” Fuller said with a triumphant smile. “I’m proud of you, Walker. Now, the hardest part about this case is going to be the media. We certainly don’t want this leaking out.”

“That’s understood, boss,” I said. “But just how are we going to come up with a believable excuse that is big enough to affect all of these stars?”

“That’s why we have guests, Walker,” Fuller said, gesturing to the others in the room. “They’re here to help us. They of all people should know what excuses play best with the media.”

Mr. Jonas nodded- he seemed to be the one who’d come to terms with this event. “Exactly, we don’t want this getting out.”

We heard two knocks and turned around to see Jeff knocking on the open door. “Excuse me, sorry to interrupt- but you know that case?”

“The one we were just talking about in here?” Fuller asked, a hint of annoyance clear in his tone.

“That one exactly sir- we’re not sure how but… it leaked.”

“Leaked? Leaked how- is the photocopier ruined?”

Of course Fuller would think that’s what is meant by leaked. He was an old man, after all, despite being in the FBI. But still, I hoped his assumption was true. Of course it wasn’t- because the next, and possibly the worst, thing that came out of Jeff’s mouth confirmed my horrible thoughts:

“Not that kind of leaked sir… it’s got press coverage.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I'm loving everyone who's reading this right now! Y'all rock. And did you know that if you commented the story gets more stars? Cool right?

Haha, so this chapter is especially dedicated to FlyWithMe;; , because she's epicly awesome!

Now y'all may be wondering why suddenly with FBI agents- well, I thought it'd give the story more... depth? I don't know... just more 'umph!' You know- more dynamics. So that if I get writer's block on one part of the story, I can switch to the FBI part. Of course, that won't be happening anytime soon...

Though I'll have to warn you; school starts back up on Monday- so less updates.

Now I'll be done with this painfully long author's note!