Green Day Express

Oakland, Here I Come!

I watch the cars pass by me, while i walk next to the high-way. I think of the fight with my mom."MOM! I TRY MY BEST!" "WELL I FELL LIKE YOUR NOT" "MY GRADES ARE BAD, I KNOW!! But I DON'T CARE ABOUT THEM!" Her massive hand swung across my face."IM OUT OF HERE!" I yell while im running to my room. I slam the door, and lean my back on it. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. But i get angry anyway. All i could think is" i need to get out of here, run away to Oakland ." The first thing i do is look threw my dresser and pick out clothes ill wear. Then i remember it's February. which means snow on the ground. So i find all the jackets that fit me and overlap them on my arms. Then i so the same with my socks, shirts, and shoes. I pack extra clothes just in case. Then i wait until 4:00 or 3:00 a.m. to go out my window and head to Oakland, California. My Dream Land.