Green Day Express

Diner At Night

I sit at the counter for a few more hours talking to maria"So hun, how old are you?" i could tell my face was blank." well, i'm 11."I have my head down so she couldn't see my face." Really!?! aren't you a little young?" "Ya, but that doesn't matter. I'm far away from home, that's the good thing." maria's eyebrows came together, then i could see that a shiver when down her spine.
"So being away from home is a good thing? what about all your friends?.i tear up, and think about the only person who excepted me the way i am." the only friend i have, or had was krystyna. the last time i talked to her, she was in the hospital." Then i realized that i forgot the Green Day cd's on my dresser. "Oh god." I put my head into my palms, then i push my hair back." what's going on sweets?" i look up at maria " i forgot something important at home" " well go get them!" i stare at her. " im in arizona.. im not walking back to illinos." i push my hair back again" what is it you forgot?" before i could responded, the punk comes back" COME ON LADY!! i look at him" dude, give her a minute.. god." his head slowly tuns my way " SHUT UP!" he yelled. there was a a bad odor in the air, which was probably his breath.i wanted to be tre for a minute and say " hey, do you need a breath mint?" maria comes back with a 2 6- pack's of pepsi. "what were you saying?" she said while handing the soda to the punk." the important thing's i forgot were my Green Day cd's.hopefully my mom doesn't spend it on cigarette money" maria shakes her head with tsk tsk's."so your mom's a smoker?" :yep, she smokes like 4 packs a day."