Green Day Express

Billie And I

Every one was silent. Tre and the computer, mike was just standing there in thought, and me and billie joe were laying on the bed's.I turn my head to look at my hero,in the living flash.But all he seem to do was look at the ceiling.I slowly slid off the bed, grab my stuff and head for the door" Whoa,Whoa,Whoa" billie yells. i turn around to look at him."What?" I turn back around and dash out the door.
I hear the door open again, i look over my shoulder.Billie joe was running after me"LET ME GO!"i yell when he got closer.He was panting,running out of breath.."i need to stop...let him get some air"i whisper to myself. i slow into a jog.I look back at billie before i want down the stairs.Once i was free of him,
i start looking for maria's car.
Then out of no where,I'm on the ground.billie was on top of me"Where did you come from?"i try to look at him, but i couldn't.All i could smell was his body spray.I've always been a fan of the way it smelt."can you please get off of me?"I say in a low voice."ok..."he saying in a soft,comfortable voice.He gets off,and i rolled over onto my back.."She left me here"i say quietly, and more to myself."who left you?
I turn my head to see billie laying next to me.."The woman i've been with for the next,hmm, maybe 3 days?" I sigh.."So your lesbian?"At first i thought he was joking,but then i look at him and it was a serious question"no, i'm bi, i stayed at a diner for a night.. she's a waitress." i search my pocket's for my iPod."want a ear?"
I give him the head phone,and i which the song to iViVaLaGloria!" come on. lets go back to the room" he get's up and gives me his hand.I was as tall as billie,so no problem.I go to pull my hand back, but his grip tightens." so why are you here in arizona?"i ask billie while we go up the stairs."me and my sons are here for a all man vacation" he points to room 612. he drags me over to the door."they havent been wandering around much" translation-"i diden't know they even set foot in this hotel" Billie swung the door open, and joey and jakob screamed.
I stood there with my eye's wandering." guy's put the controllers down.say hi to...." billie looked over at me"Alyssa" i look more at joey and jakob.Joey just stared at me with sparking eyes, and jakob had a greeting face." son is kinda creeping me out" i whispered. billie snapped his finger's in front of his face." oh what?" joey looked up at his dad."dude, be a man and say hi" joey does this little head nod.I do a little wave, but not to little to look like a prep.
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yes, this chapter ends weird, but check out the next chapter!