Green Day Express

The Hot Son Of The Rock Hero

Billie left me, joey, and jakob in their room. Jakob and joey played Call of duty ,
and i just sat there and watched.

"dude, lets play Nazi zombies!"Yelled joey.They left their game and when to the Nazi zombie game screen.

"Alyssa, you sure you won't be scared?" asked jakob like i couldn't take it.
"Jerk! yes i can take it, but i do panic"I say honestly. My dad played the x-box a lot,when he played Nazi zombies, i tend to scream and panic.

5 minutes later

"JOEY!!! Get that one! no not that one!" I yelled while hitting joey and pointing at the screen. I got up and walked back and forth" Can't you guys just kill them?"They stare at me like i was crazy."come on Alyssa, sit back down" joey says when patting where i was sitting.
I sat down, and joey hooks his arm to mine and kissed me on the cheek.I had the urge to kiss him back because the way he kissed me.I was a normal kiss with a little bit of tung." come on guys! it's 2:00 in the morning." Tre yelled while barging in."ohh whats going on here?"
Tre looks at me and Joey's arm's"Their killing Nazi zombies" I
say while making a gun out of my hand's and pointing it at tre" Oh, cool. jakob give up the controller" he says while having a hand out to jakob.Tre un-hooks me and joey's arm and lays down between us."So joey, you asked her already?"
I peered at them.
"No.. i didn't ask her anything." Joey had a face on the said "Shut Up!" They both put down the controller's and walked out the door. I sit there for a minute, then i get up and put my ear to the door."Come on tre!Don't ruin this for me!" Joey yells"You shouldn't take your time!your brother is probably in there asking her!" Tre yells back"I'll ask her tonight" Hey, now i have something to look forward to.
"Tonight? your going to bed.Now good-bye" Then there was silence. I run, grab jakob and start jumping on the bed."Why are we jumping?" He asked with a smile."Cuz, so your brother doesn't know i was stalking him" I jump my last jump and then i sit down." I'm getting tired.. im going to get ready for bed"
I look threw my bag to find my blue striped lounging pants, and my white spaghetti shirt. While i walk to the bath-room,i hear the front door open.I take a few steps back to see who it was.I was joey." hey joser" I shout from the bath-room" Josers? now i got a nickname?" He says cutely.
I walk out of the bath-room, and i sit on the end of the bed."Well light's out for me" I scoot up to my side of the bed and turn out the light's. I guess joey and jakob agreed with me and they,both tuned out there light's.I started to fall asleep until i felt breathing on my neck.
I roll over to find joey smiling at me."Hi joser" I whispered."Hi" he whispered back.."Why are in my bed" i say trying not to sound hurtful.He frowned" Well.. first of all this is my bed, second, because i can." He say like a smartypants.
"Ok..well good-night"I say then turn back around.
" hold on..i got to ask you something" I made sure to listen closely."Ya?" I started to get inpatient."Do you umm..want to be um. my valentine?" There was a short pause between us, but it felt like a hour."Ok.." I say half asleep.
He hands me a heart shaped sucker, and kisses me on the cheek like he did earlier.I fall asleep with a good dream.