Status: In the works!

Little Miss Fall Out Boy

This story starts at the very beginning of Fall Out Boy. Early band days, shows. Bandit is a girl Pete meets, and the rest you'll have to read. :)
  1. Chapter One
    Hi everyone, this is my first chapter. First story. This chapter is from Bandits point of view! Pete is next! Read it! Then message me with feedback and let me know something of yours to read! Lets be friends!
  2. The show.
    This is Petes point of view. i know.. intro isn't so fun.. but gotta start somewhere!
  3. We'll all take turns, not for the worst.
    this is bandits point of view! LOVE YOU ALL!
  4. Snitches And Talkers Get Stitches And Walkers
    welcome back to Pete's mind, i know i missed him...
  5. I want to hate you half as much as I hate myself.
    i promise, this was not what you were expecting. Bandits point of view.
  6. It's not gossip if it's the truth.
    Pete has the floor again..
  7. I'll walk myself away from here.
    THIS IS BANDIT! Don't be confused. This is a flashback that happened before the story began.
  8. Last Night I Saw My World Explode
    Pete again. He misses you. :)
  9. I'm shaking in my boots.
    Back to Bandit. The fun stuff is coming. :)
  10. God, I wish I was tall.
    Pete's point of view. Are you ready for this?
  11. My Heart is On My Sleeve
    Bandit is back. I'm so sorry for the wait. I could make excuses. But I think I'll just write instead.