
And when we go don't blame us,

That night after Gerard fell asleep, he had a weird dream about everything that has happened…

I was in a car with Frankie. We just got back from a party, we weren’t drunk, but we have had a few drinks.

“Gerard!!” Frankie said to me in his cute little kid tone.
“What is it my love?” I said back smiling. I’ve never been more happy in my life. For some reason, in that moment was just the happiest I’ve ever been.
“Guess what?” Frankie asked teasing.
“I love you!!” Frankie said smiling from ear to ear.
“I love you too!” I said, as I stopped in the road and went towards him to give him a kiss.
As our lips collided all I heard was a loud blow from a train whistle. I must have parked the car in the middle of the train tracks, because the next thing that happened was the car flew into the air. Smashed and landed upside-down. Frankie died instantly, with a broken neck, and blood everywhere! I saw his face as I slowly then closed my eye’s then saw a bright flash of light.

When I woke up from the light, I was standing in a dark cave, buck-naked. Frankie was standing next to me, with no cloths on either.

“Frank!” I yelled excitedly as I ran up to him, happy to see him alive again.
“What happened?” Frank said, as I held him in my arms.
“I parked in the middle of the tracks and a train came and hit us! I thought you were dead! How this happen?”
“I don’t know, but it’s really hot here!” Frank said fanning himself. “And it’s not just the view!” He gave me a perverted stare, followed by a wink.

“Gerard! Gerard!” said a voice.
“Who is that?” I yelled, scared at the fact someone was watching me.
“It’s your mother Gerard! How could you do this to me? My oldest son… one of them!”
“What’s going on?!?” I screamed, terrified and confused. “Were am I?!?”
“Your in Hell Gerard! I told you, you would end up here! This is the place for you!”

Then out of no were, me and Frankie were chained together, as flames rose from behind us.

“Gerard, whatever you do, don’t leave me!” Frankie pleaded. “I need you! I love you!”
“I love you to Frankie!” I said back.

Then everything went back! It was like life was rewinding, then a big flash! I found myself in a room filled with people. They were all dressed in black and most of them were crying, I then saw a huge coffin at the end of the room.

Everyone then sat down, so I followed along. First, I saw my younger brother Mikey walk down the aisle with the chain with incense, swinging it back and forth. Then a few people came up to the podium and made little speeches about how wonderful this one man was. I didn’t know who any of them were. I didn’t even know who the man they were speaking of was. Then all of a sudden my mom was at the stand.

She was crying, and started saying how awful it was that this man died.
“It’s awful that he died, so young, so full of life and love.” She began. Then her tone changed, not so sad and sympathetic anymore. It started to become strong, and filled with hatred. “But one thing about him was that he was… one of them!” She then looked at me with these evil, demonic eyes.
Everyone turned and looked at me with those same horrible eyes.

“Gerard Arthur Way! You are going to Hell to make up for your sins!” she screamed with this crazed voice.

The coffin the opened by it’s self and I rose from it with those same eyes chanting: “Why did you do this to me? WHY GERARD? WHY?!?!”

He them awoke from his dream, sweating and shaking.