
You made us, oh, so famous.

The next morning, Gerard woke up scared.
“What the fuck was that about?” he asked himself rubbing his head.
He went to the bathroom and washed the sweat from his face. He looked in the mirror and saw the bags forming under his eyes. He then went into the living room/bedroom and put in his copy of Life On The Murder Scene. He analyzed and kept watching parts over, and over again, until he called Frankie up.

“Hello?” Frankie asked on the phone.
“Hey, it’s Gerard.”
“Oh, hey. What’s up?”
“I wanted to ask you something.”
“Do you think our relationship is what made us famous?” Gerard asked.
“What do you mean?” Frankie replied confused.
“Like, how we act on stage. You know… the kissing, grabbing, stuff like that. Do you think that’s what made us famous?”
“No! Why would you think that?” Frankie asked shocked.
“Well, because we’re the only band that dose stuff like that.”
“Well, The Used sometimes makes out with each other.”
“Yeah, but it’s different.” Gerard tried to explain. “Bert and Quinn will kiss here and there. But I was watching out DVD and we’re practically making passionate love on stage! Maybe that’s all the fans want to see…”
“Gerard! Don’t say that!” Frankie said, getting a little angry. “The fans like us because we play good music! Not because we make out on stage! You have an awesome voice, Ray can play damn good on guitar, Mikey’s an awesome bassist, Bob’s the best drummer, and I’m a pretty damn cute guitarist!”
“Your right.” Gerard said, still not 100% convinced.
“If anything wouldn’t we loose fans if they found out the truth?”
“I don’t know.” Gerard said “With all these crazy fans with there stories on the internet, they probably already know the truth!”
“Yeah, some of those stories even scare me!” Frankie said with a laugh.
“The ones with you an me aren’t so bad, but once I saw one about me and Mikey and…”
“OH MY GOD! STOP RIGHT THERE!” Frankie said completely freaked out.
Gerard started cracking up.
“Some of them can be really cute though.” Gerard said, trying to stop laughing.
“Yeah, well I have to go now. Good bye my love!”
“Bye, bye. I love you!”

They hung up.