
L is for the way you look at me

Bam looked in the fridge and groaned seeing the bare shelves. He didn’t bother looking through the cabinets, knowing that he would only find the same result. He looked over on the counter to see his cat rubbing his back along the side of the refrigerator. The cats could probably use some food too.

He scratched behind the cat’s ears and sighed. “Yeah, we could use some grub in this shit hole.”

He sniffed his shirt and recoiled at the horrible smell of B.O. from the day before. He figured he would grace the public smelling clean for once and went upstairs to his room to shower and change.

Bam never thought he would ever feel alone in his own home. It seemed to have been devoid of life since he got back from filming that one episode for Nitro Circus.

Normally, he would ask his mom to pick of the few basics to keep him alive. But, the silence was getting to him. He was so desperate to get away that that he would go as far as grocery shopping himself.

Don’t get him wrong he was happy to have rid himself of a marriage that was draining him emotionally, physically, and financially. He knew what marriage was supposed to be: a partnership. And, it should be a loving one at that.

Bam sees what his parents have and what his brother has. He seems to be the only one with the defect.

He sighed, feeling depressed thinking about his failed relationships and turned off the water. Stepping out of the shower he wiped his face with the towel before draping it around his waist. He looked at his tired face in the mirror and had never felt older than he had at this point in his life.

He scratched the beard on his face and picked up the electric razor. Running it along his cheeks, shaving the hair down to his infamous goatee. He looked in the mirror happy to at least some familiarity of himself. He ran his fingers through his hair, and figured he should stop by his parents to have his mom trim it so it didn’t resemble a Muppet too much.

Walking into the huge empty closet, he threw on a pair of boxer briefs and jeans. He dug through a box under one of the shelves and grabbed one of the Element t-shirts that had been sent to him.

Looking out the kitchen window, it didn’t look that cold so he didn’t bother with a jacket. He grabbed the keys for his black Benz, not wanting to attract too much attention to himself.

He drove over to the nearest Acme Market and pulled into the parking lot. Taking on a responsible roll for a change he called his mom to see what groceries she could use. Jotting it down on the back of his hand he got out of the car. He chuckled to himself at the surprised tone of his mother’s voice and felt good doing something for someone else.

He grabbed a cart as well as a flyer on his way into the store. He had no idea what he needed. He wasn’t much of a cook, but having nothing in the house was pathetic.

He figured he would start in the produce area, going healthy, and work his way across the store making sure he didn’t forget his mom’s list along the way.

“Cody,” I cooed, peaking my head around the corner of the isle. I stood up confused when I didn’t see the blond mop of hair of the toddler. I had sworn my nephew had gone this way.

I felt someone push my butt and I screamed in surprise. I jumped around and put my hands on my hips and looked at the little boy trying to pull off innocence as he giggled.

Cody fell to the floor in a fit of laughter. “Oh, it’s on, child. You’re mine.” I threatened lamely, picking him off the floor and throwing him over my shoulder.

“No!” Cody squealed. “No, Aunt Liv!”

I laughed as he kicked his feet until I put him on the ground. It didn’t take him long to run around, down the next isle. I laughed and quickly went after him, only to run into a brick wall getting the wind knocked out of me. “Umph.”

I covered my hand over my mouth, trying hard not to laugh at the startled man. “I am so sorry,” I giggled anyway, feeling my neck heat up.

Bam never thought the grocery store would be this dangerous. Though, he should know better since his friends and him would create more than their share of troubles themselves. “It’s alright.”

Bam felt his heart skip a beat as the store began to melt away, only looking at the light green eyes in front of him. The corners of his mouth turned upward as he couldn’t help but to return the dazzling smile he was looking at right now.

He felt himself becoming alive seeing the mischief in those green eyes. “I believe he went that way.”

“Thanks,” I winked and crept slowly over to the cases of soda cans stacked high. “Fee-fi-fo-fum!” I began and bit back a laugh hearing the uncontrollable giggles of Cody, not being able to take the suspense.

“Aunt Liv, you can’t do that!” I heard him scold me. “You’re not blind folded!”

I snickered and continued. “I smell the blood of a little man. Be he ‘live or be he dead,” I said slowly, walking closer. “I’ll grind his bones to make my bread!” I shouted and picked him up as he screamed in surprise. I planted kisses all around his face and neck.

He breathed heavy as his little body tried to catch his breath. He went limp in my arms as he laughed. “I’m tired.”

“Alright, buddy.” I chuckled, adjusting him in my arms and put him on my hip. “Let’s go find the wagon and finish getting the stuff on the list.” He nodded into my neck, laughing every once in a while about being captured. I found my wagon easily and looked at the paper I had left in the seat. “Ready to sit in the wagon?” He shook his head and held onto me tighter. “Of course not,” I rolled my eyes.

I looked at the few things left on the list that had not been crossed off yet and went in the direction of the freezers. I let Cody’s butt sit on the handle bar as he continued to hold onto me while I navigated us through the store.

I laughed when he picked up his head seeing the ice cream behind the glass doors. “What flavor?” I asked him, sliding him back onto my hip and opened the door to Ben & Jerry’s.

“Everything,” he pointed to different pints.

“He’s got good taste.”

I looked over my shoulder to see the guy I ran into. “Please, that’s not taste. That’s indecision,” I chuckled. “Sorry, again about the collision earlier. I usually don’t do the hit in run often, honest.”

“You’re not sorry.” Bam grinned leaning on the cart.

“You’re right.” I laughed as I leaned over so Cody could get the container with dinosaurs on them. I grabbed the pint of Everything but the… for myself and tossed it into the back of the cart with everything else, letting the freezer door shut.

“You’ve got a cute kid there.” He waved at the little boy in her arms.

Cody buried his head in my hair, feeling shy. “I’ll have to tell my brother.” I ran my fingers through his light blond hair, a trait he inherited from our side of the family. “His wife did manage to pop out a few good looking kids.”

Bam couldn’t help but smile, hoping he had a chance. He surprised himself wanting to go out in the dating field. But, when he saw her look at him for the first time, he knew he could not let this opportunity go. “We should exchange information. You know incase you caused some damages with you’re hit and run.”

I couldn’t help but blush at his corny pick up line, though I couldn’t deny that it wasn’t working either. “Technically, I did stop and say sorry so it’s not a complete run.” I shifted Cody in my arms and held out my right hand. “Olivia Hampton.”

“Bam,” he reached over and returned the handshake. “Bam Margera.”

“I know.” I laughed at his surprised face. “Honey, there are very few people that grew up in this area and do not know that name.”

Bam looked down feeling his cheeks blush and rubbed his neck. “So, Miss Hampton, how about a drink sometime?”

“Maybe,” I shrugged feeling playful. “Despite what circulates around, it was actually nice meeting you, Bam.” I gave one more dazzling smile before heading off to the registers to ring everything up.

“I’m counting on it.” I heard him shout after me, referring to the drink he offered.

Bam grabbed the frozen pizzas that he had last on his list and cursed to himself, jogging quickly over to the cash registers, hoping to catch those green eyes. Unfortunately, they were nowhere in site. He rubbed his forehead and groaned, forgetting to actually do the exchanging of information part.
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