Status: Since Matthew's doing well, let's get this train rolling.

You've Gotten Good at Being Alone


Back on the road in our shit smelling van. I didn't talk to anyone much. Woke up, played, went off on my own. Every fucking day. I hadn't talked to Hummingbird or Jared since I made sure she got home safe. I was getting so tired of the same fight. I was so close to just giving up.
I was wandering around the buses when Mike and Chester from Linkin Park came up to me. "Come talk to us, Dan," Mike invited.
I shrugged, and followed them onto their bus. We sat in the front of the bus, and I just listened to them chat before they turned to me. "So, Dan, what's wrong? Are you not enjoying the tour?"
"No, it's been a blast. I just have a lot of stuff going on in my personal life," I confessed.
"A lady, perhaps?" Mike asked.
I nodded. Chester and Mike exchanged a look.
"Tell us what happend," Chester invited.
"I met her and from day one, I thought she was great. We ended up being best friends, and then it just became boyfriend and girlfriend. We were together with no problems, not one arguement, for about a year until she got pregnant. Then I did something really stupid. I cheated on her. She caught me, and told me to fuck off. I left and didn't come back, only sending child support checks as my only communication. Then about two months ago, I manned up and went to see her. The boys are four, and she has a boyfriend that wants to marry her. I'm still in love with her, but I just want to be there for the boys. I want to be a part of their life. She's scared, I think, to let me back in. I would be too. I fucked up pretty bad. I'm such a douche, but Jesus Christ, I love her and the boys so much. I love them so goddamn much," I said, by the time I ended my tale, my head was in my hands.
Mike and Chester listened carefully, not saying a word. Finally, Mike spoke up. "That's quite the mess, Dan. Do you have custody?"
"Never checked, to be honest. I was scared," I confessed.
Chester nodded. "You know what you have to do, don't you?"
I shook my head, earning two sighs.
"You have to earn her trust back. And how do you do that?"
I shook my head again, and the sighs returned.
"Ask to take the boys to the park, ice cream, whatever. Have them back before you're supposed to. Stuff like that. She'll start to trust you more and more, then you can talk about other stuff," Chester advised.
"Thanks," I said, before walking off the bus and into the summer heat. Feeling a bit more confident with bits of the future, I strolled about.
♠ ♠ ♠
God, I'm having such horrible writers block with this.
I have no idea where to take it or how to get there.
Unless I get a new idea, I might have to drop it. =/
I really don't want to.
I will accept any idea.