A Day Out To Remember

Day trip

The group of men made there way down the sandy slope, all of them had waited a long time for this day, and all of them were slightly giddy with the exitement. Every-one turned as a slightly girly squeel sounded and one of the group slipped up and slid down the slope onto the main beach, causing an avalanche of sand to land on top of him. Irratably he began to brush the sand off of him, his giggling comrades too busy trying to stay upright to be of any help. As he pulled himself upright he brushed down his dark jeans and righted his shirt, irratabley he pulled his sunglasses off and placed one hand of his hip, jutting it out slighty, and flicked his long ebony locks out of his eyes with the other. Purseing his lips he glared up towards the other four men.
"Not. Funny." He snarled, causing the others to laugh despite themselves. He huffed and turned away from the pack of hyenas and stalked away down the beach.

The other four however slowly began to recover once they realised they had upset their friend...even if he was acting like a diva.
"Is Gee anoyed?" A small voice asked. Gerard's younger brother Mikey, looked enquisitively around at his friends, with his mousy brown hair, chocolate eyes hidden behind black and white glasses and his overly skinny frame you coluld be forgiven for not realising the family relation. They all looked towards each other, then towards the retreating figure which, every few steps, would kick at the sand, causing a spray of the fine granuoles to fly up into air and scatter as it landed back onto the ground.
"Er...yeah." The youngest of the group, Frank, answered, looking at the others. They all sighed, used to Gerard's diva fits by now and paded down the beach towards were their friend was sat, his back facing them as they aproached. Slowly Frank set down the towel he had been carrying and looked nervously towards Ray and Bob, who both adjusted their sunglases ever so slighty. Sighing he walked over to Gerard and sat down next to him.

He was fully aware that Frank had sat down next to him, but he chose to ignore him and continued to stare outwards at the horizin, watching as two birds flew around one another, ocasionally dipping their wings ever so slightly towards the water. He had to admit he was surprised that the beach wasn't busier, it was a beautiful day but the beach was sparsely popualted with the odd couple and the group had been lucky enough to find an area of beach completely empty. Frank sat by him for a few moments trying to get him to talk to him, but he ignored the pleading young man, he was still cooling off from earlier.

After all his attempts to speak to Gerard hd been recieved with stoney silence he stood up and muttered under his breath 'bloody drama queen' and marched back over towards the others who had been watching him with bated breath. The others knew that if any-one could get Gerard to talk it would more than likely be Frank, the two were close and sometimes the other three felt maybe a bit too close.
"Stubborn, idiot, moronic bloody...DIVA!" Frank yelled the last part, his head turned slightly over his shoulder in the hopes that it would make Gerard hear and react. It didn't. Frank threw himself down onto his beach towel and instantly regretted it when the sand didn't give way beneath his weight like he had hoped, but instead resisted. He winced and looked up towards the guys who were gathered around, Bob holding a beach ball.
"It didn't work then." Mikey asked. Frank shook his head. Bob sighed and looked over towards the sulking figure that sat a good 8 meters away from them.
"He'll come around." He said confidently, the others looked at him, eyebrows raised sceptically. Bob looked at them all wide eyed "Hey! I never said when." Ray chuckled.
"Come on, let him mope. Let's go play ball." Mikey grinned and Frank smiled unenthusiasticaly, but pulled himself up, wincing slioghtly from the dull throb of pain in his arse, and followed the others into the sea were they where waiting to begin the game.

Out of the corner of his eye Gerard could see them playing, they had all changed into their swim pants before they left the bus and had just put on a pair of joggers on top, but Gerard refused to saying he wouldn't be swimming anyhow. He sighed and puled his legs up to his chest and turned to face them, he blinked a few times to get used to the sudden light differance, as he had been staring directly at the sun, and watched as Bob moved clumsily around in the water, Frank on his shoulders trying to catch the ball which Ray and Mikey threw to one another. He smiled as Bob lost his balance and Frank fell from his shoulders, the water they were in was up to Bob's chest so Frank disapeared completely under the churning waves. The boys all giggled as they waited for Frankie to come back up, coughing and spluttering curses at Bob while trying to rid his eyes of sea water, but he didn't. The giggling began to die down, Gerard felt unease begin to pick at his insides, after nearly two minutes the boys all looked at each other, Bob suddenly ducked under the waves but got forced back up again as a violent wave crashed down causing them to drift further from their original position. Gerard jumoed up and ran to the edge of the water.
"Guys?!" They turned to look at him, panic flashing behind their eyes, he began to wade in, his jeans clinging to him the deeper he got the more difficult it was to stay in one place or even move in the direction he wanted, the waves were picking up in force and height. As he neared the panicked group he called out. "Where is he?" His heart was leaping in his chest. Ray shrugged, Mikey shook his head and Bob dived back under, as did Gerard.

Under the water everything seemed out of proportion, blinking he began to scan the sea bed looking for any sign of his best friend. He began to blink back tears, Frank meant more to him than that, and he knew he meant more to Frank also, they just...hadn't quite gotten round to telling the others yet. His heart lept in his chest as he saw a figure floating in waves, no resistance in their limbs, long brown hair floating in a halo aroung their face. Frankie. Gerard swam quickly towards him, fear and worry eating at his heart. He grabed him and puled him in closer, he pushed his hair away and saw his eyes had slipped shut.

No...Frankie, stay with me.

Desterate Gerard pressed his lips to Franks, savouring the silky feeling and tried to give him some oxygen, hoping he was still conscious. He watched in dismay as the bubbles floated to the surface. He grabbed Frank arm and began to swim upwards, he glanced behind him and saw Frank's eyes slipping shut, he grabbed his hand and kept swimming, he hadn't realised how far out they had drifted, as he broke the surface he looked across and saw the guys waving at him. They had drifted quite a way out Gerard began to swim towards them, all while atempting to get, and keep, Frank's head above the water.
"Gee..." The voice was quite and barely audible above the crashing of the waves. Gerard turned his head and saw Frank, struggling to keep his eyes open, his hands moveing in weak motions to keep himself afloat, his legs though simply floated.
"It's okay Frankie, I got you." He pulled him in closer and gripped his hand.
"I'm tired." Frank whispered, as Gerard pulled him so his arms were around Gerard's neck and his legs around his waist, his torso pressed against his back.
"Hang on Frankie, i promise your going to be fine....Just Hang on." Gerard swallowed and began to swim, the extra weight on his back pulling him down slightly, he felt Frank's hands begining to slip from their place around his neck. "FRANKIE!" He called urgently, one hand trying to grasp the young mans hands to him.
"I-I'm tired." Was the only reply he got. Gerard began to swim faster towards were his friends were waving franticaly, he watched as Mikey ran up the beach. Probably trying to find a life gaurd, he though idly to himslef. He could feel his muscles cramping and his lungs acheing as he gasped in the raw sea air. He felt Frank's lips press onto his cheek, before he moved back slightly so his lups were by his ear. "I love you." He whispered. Gerard felt as though his entire body had gone rigid, it was the first time he had said that, in all their six months of being together, neither one of them had said that. He smiled despite the sitaution, and swam faster, he could feel Frank's grip getting weaker as well as his own muscles, he knew soon he wouldn't be able to swim at all, and the guys we're still a long way away.

Eventualy he stopped, his body couldn't make it back to shore. He couldn't save them. Gently he turned Frank so their torso were pressed together, he gently cupped Frank's face with his hands, using his legs to keep them afloat and pressed their lips together, mumbling sorry agaisnt his lips between the kiss. Gently Frank pulled away, his eyes half lidded and his hair clinging to his forehead, gently Gerard wiped the hair out of his eyes. Frank gentoly nuzzled against his hand.
"What for?" his voice sounded so tired.
"I-I Can't get us back." Gerard was alarmed at how tired his own voice also sounded. "I-I'm sorry about earlier, I'm s-sorry...I can't do anything right." Frank gently pressed his lips against Gerard's with as much force as he could muster.
"Yes, you can. I. Love. You." He puntuacted each sentance with a kiss.
"Iloveyoutoo." Gerad's words ran into ne as he felt himself begining to slip under the surface, he gripped Frankie closer as his eyes fell shut, Frank's eyes were already closed, his cheek pressed against Gerards sodden shirt. As the dark began to overtake him he felt some-one's hands grab him under the arms and begin to pull.


Ouch! That hurt, in fact scratch that everything hurt!..hang on, pain? I'm alive!

He gasped in pain, all his muscles burned and his lungs felt as though they had been scrubbed with a wire brush. He listened as the garbled noises that had filled his ears evened out and became voices.
"....fine Frankie. The doc said so." Ray, He quitely noted in his mind, his voice was quite he was reassuring someone.
"Then why isn't he awake!" Frankie.... Gerards heart skipped in it's chest, he was worried. He began to try to prise his eyes open, as the sound of heart wrenching sobs filled his ears. He was crying, his angel was crying. Frankie was alive.
"Frank. Frank! Look, his eyes." He could hear his brothers voice, he blinked as a searing light filled his eyes.
"Shit..." His voice was small and hoarse. He suddenly became aware of a hand gripping his. He blinkied as the light subsided and Frankie's face came into veiw, his eyes red rimmed from tears, and a peice of gauze taped to the side of his head, a slight red patch showing through.
"Oh, thank god." He felt Franks lips suddenly attatch to his own, Gerard felt his heart soar as Franks lips began to move against his, tears of happiness falling agaisnt cheeks. Suddenly Gerard and Frankie were pulled back down to earth by the sound of coughing. Awkward coughing.

They both pulled away and looked towards a flushed looking Bob and an awkward looking Mikey who looked rather interested in the floor tiles of the hospital.
"Y'know it's touching and all, but..." Frankie cut over a small smile on his face.
"I get it Bob, Kinda awkward seeing two of your best mates snog?" He asked cheekily, i smiled and gelty ran my hand through his hair on the side that didn't have any gauze and pressed my lips to his cheek. He smiled a small contented sigh escaping my lips.
"I love you." I whispered He grinned a grin that would make the chesire cat jealous, his eyes parkeled under the flourcent hospital lights, a small blush fighting it's way across his cheeks.
"Ditto." He murmered pressing his lips to mine, i didn't care if the others felt awkward, Frank had obviosuly filled them in on the situation, i just wanted Frank, Frank and only Frank. He pulled away a small smile on his face. "Y'know next time we have a day trip, let's just go to the park, it safer." I laughed and nodded in agreement, Bob muttering about how we'd even manage to find a way to get hurt there. I laughed and kissed Frankies cheek, moving along his jaw to his ear.
"Or, we could just stay at home."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay...it sounded good in my head, but now...well im not so sure.

Anyhows thanks for reading, comments and feedbck always welcome :D