Status: the pic is what the girl looked like when she left the house

You Cant Get Everything You Want

Everything You Want

I know your parents have probably told you that you cant get Everything You Want. But that's not true. You can if you get a little whoreish.

"Sally, time for breakfast," My father called.

I slowly got out of my bed, and put my bed head into a pony tail. Mornings were a dread, I wasn't a morning person. I usually didn't go to bed until four in the morning.

I ran downstairs and into the kitchen because I knew they were due to call again.

I sat down, and started eating my plate of food.

"You know you cant get Everything You Want," my mom said.

"Yes I can, every girl can."

My mom looked at me strange and then said, "No they cant, and you will learn that some day."

I put my plate in the sink and said, "I will prove you wrong."

I ran upstairs into the bathroom, and I took off all my clothes and put a bathing suit on. You know, you should always wear one in the shower, its not right to let the shower touch you naked.

When I was done with my shower I got out, dried up, and blew dried my hair. Then I got dress, I threw on a top that ended right under my boobs, then a mini skirt.(That I "accidentally" had the back stuck in my underwear.) I straightened my hair and teased it.

Then ran off to school. Boy was I going to prove my parents I couldn't get Everything I Want.

"Everything I Want," I screamed.

A boy came up to me, I didn't know who it was at first then I did.

One look at me and he asked, "Will you go out with me."

Ha! I could get Everything You Want! He asked me out! Though I proved my point so I didn't have to actually go out with him, "No."

I went into the girls bathroom and changed into normal clothes.

What isn't that the Everything You Want you were thinking about? Were you not thinking of the person? Oh, maybe my parents weren't either.
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