Status: Working on

Finding the Way: To You


Marci rested her head on her steering wheel. No matter how long she sat there she knew she would still have to face she sister at the end of the day. No matter what she still loved her sister and it wasn’t like she never fucked up in her life. It’s just she never fucked up this bad. Marci just couldn’t understand how she could be so stupid. But, then again, she could. No matter how strict she was she just wanted to protect her baby sister and that was one of the reasons she turned out this way. Like a parent would try to keep their children from all the dangers of the world, Marci had taken the brunt of their rough childhood because she was the oldest and more experienced. When their parents died Anita was at the age where she was still protected from the world and Marci had grown up and saw it for what it really was. She had experienced the life of being young, wild, and free but in those few months after their death and fighting to keep her sister out of foster homes and giving up collage so she could work from 2 a.m. to 2 p.m. just so she could keep the piece of shit hole-in-the-wall they lived in she bet she’s made it look damned easy too. But in reality, it wasn’t.

A knock on the window snapped her back to reality, no matter how much she didn’t want to go back.

It was Cole standing there, bent over to peer through her car window at her. She raised a perfectly arched eyebrow and he made the motion of rolling down a window. She did. When the window was finally all the way down he didn’t ask, just unlocked the passenger door and got in.

“What?” she snapped. She ran a hand through her hair and tried to calm down. It wasn’t like he was the one who knocked up Anita.

“Relax,” he said holding up his hands in a sign that said he wasn’t there to start trouble. It wasn’t really the problem about her sister that got her back up, it was him in general. He made her feel. And not just the I-get-weak-in-the-knees kind of feeling he made her feel everything. She felt embarrassed for what he had witnessed, then she felt angry because he had no right to know about their business, but it didn’t stop there because she felt stupid because, again, it wasn’t his fault, she did a three-sixty and felt happy that he actually came to look for her, and then went back to feeling embarrassed for even thinking that he came to look for her, he probably was just leaving and saw her still sitting there.

“Sorry,” she said, again, running her hand through her hair.

“No need,” he said relaxing back into the seat and staring straight ahead. “You have the right.”

She didn’t respond just kept staring at him as he lightly tapped a beat on his knee.

“If anything I should be the one apologizing,” he said glancing over at her. “You know, from what I said in there.”

“It’s alright,” she said a little too quickly because this time her turned towards her fully, stopping his tapping.

He didn’t respond at first just stared at her like she did him. “What are you thinking?” he broke the silence.

This time it was her turn to stare out the window. She thought about it and decided that she actually didn’t know what to think. “What I should be doing, maybe?” she finally answered.

“You should support her and the baby,”

“I want to, I mean, I am,” she turned around to him. “But do you mean I should let her chase some prick across the States?”

“No, because if I ever see the asshole again I’m going to deck him,” he reassured. “I know
Anita’s young and reckless but she was never stupid, and she’s a good girl and deserves much better.” she saw the way he talked about her and couldn't help but think who he was.

“Who are you?” she spoke her thoughts.

“Cole Mastro, at the service of any beautiful lady in need,” he winked. She smiled.

“Thank you,” she whispered because in his eyes she saw that he cared about Anita and even about herself. He surprised her by opening up his arms and beckoning her over and she surprised herself by nearly climbing into his lap and throwing her arms around this neck. She instantly buried her face in the side of his neck. He drew her close in a tight embrace and let her cry into his shirt. Her sobs were slow and steady. He whispered in her ear nothing and everything. Everything she wanted, he promised, even the world.

Cole couldn’t think. There was a gorgeous woman practically in his lap and his mind just went blank. He just knew he should be doing something, but what? So he whispered in her ear anything he thought she wanted to hear. Things they both knew he could never get her but that didn’t matter because all he wanted was for her to stop crying and go back bring to the spit-fire he knew she was. He liked her that way, with a quick tongue and a saucy attitude.

One hand was buried in her hair and the other was lightly stroking her side, passing her breasts. Now that was something to think about, her perfect body pressed tightly against his. If this didn’t stop soon he might just throw her down, right there, in her car, in her sisters drive way. Even though he thought to let her go he really didn’t want to. He wanted to keep her there with him, safe and protected. But that wasn’t the case so he would let her go, but not for long. If there was one thing he knew, it was he wanted her.

He eased her back, cupping each side of her face, wiping her tears away. “Shh,” he whispered.

She looked at him with tears in her eyes and he melted. God, he had to have this woman. And he did. He pressed his mouth firmly against her soft lips. He swallowed her gasp and took advantage of her parted lips and slowly eased his tongue inside. Immediately she responded, pushing herself up against him again and throwing her arms around his neck. She kissed him back with as much fiery need as he. She moved against him and he guessed she thought they weren’t close enough, so she fully climbed on top of him, straddling him. Jesus Christ, she would be the death of him.

So, again, he eased her back, braking contact with those soft, perfect lips. “You are something else,” he finally said. She moved her eyes from his mouth to his eyes and then down to her hands that rested lightly on his chest. She was embarrassed, so cute.

“I’m sorry,” she said trying to climb back to her side of the car but he held her fast.

“It takes two to tango,” he said, again, stroking her sides. “It wasn’t like I didn’t extremely enjoy that.”

“Ohmigod,” she said covering her face in her hands. “I’m not usually like this.”

“Not like what?” he said praying her hands from her face so he could meet her gaze. “Sexy?
With a smoking hot body-“

“No,” she interrupted. “I don’t usually throw myself at guys. I'm not so easy.”

“If anything, I'm the one who practically forced you.”

“No, look at me,” she looked down. “I'm all over you.”

He moved his hands down to her thighs, looking at where they connected. “You don’t see me complaining.”

“Ohmigod,” she repeated.

“I'm just playing, kind of,” he chuckled and gave her a quick kiss. “We should get back inside.”

She didn’t respond just opened the door and got out. She didn’t even look back at him just sashayed up the steppes. He watched her jean-clad hips sway and though: well, damn, if she isn’t incredible.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you liked, I actually wrote this chapter for AshJRaj94 because she's awsome.
But my computer is down so I kind of rushed this becasuse this computer isn't mine and I don't know when I'm going to get to write again.
Love ya much :P