Status: Complete: Might plan a re-write in the future.

The Sharpest Lives

Change POV

~*~Change P.O.V~*~

I headed up the street to a vacant alley. I stood there and waited.

“Thank you for waiting so patiently,” someone said behind me.

“You’re welcome, Master Gerard.”

“Please. There’s no need for formalities.”


“No worries. Well, what did you find out?”

“Nothing of great importance…” I explained all I knew.

“You two lead similar lives.”

“Not really…I mean…”

“Never mind.”

“When do you want to do it?”

“Frank’s taking care of it.”

“What’s so special about this one anyway?”

“The first time we met, I just sensed it. No one else could, though. There was something in her blood that I could smell. We let her go, so I could think.”

“Is that why Mikey was scared when he was by her?”

“He’s a newbie. It’s to be expected. I’m going back now. This sunlight, it’s
making me tired.”

“You want some now?” I turned my head.

“Nah-well…yeah.” He placed his hands on my shoulders. “Here I come.”

I felt the familiar small pinch. I felt his lips there. I felt him sucking. It stopped a moment later.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

He walked off and I headed home.