Status: Complete: Might plan a re-write in the future.

The Sharpest Lives

Lisa's POV

“I said I’d be back for you,” he said.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

“And what way to lure you out, than through a close friend.”

“You fucking killed him! And my brother!”

“And now, I want you.” He grinned.

“No fucking way,” I said.

He started walking towards me, but the sirens made him stop.

“You got lucky, tonight. We’re coming to get you though.” He took off running.

“Dammit,” I said.

“What does he want with you?”

“I don’t know…what I do know is, he’ll never lay a hand on me. I’ll rip out his fucking heart.”

An hour later, we were back on our rounds. I was tired, and I knew the coming days were gonna be rough. They had to set up a funeral for Max. I was quiet the rest of the night. I parted with Stephanie at dawn and went home. I called Linda.

“Hello?” a guy answered.

“Hi. Is Linda around?”

“She’s doing something for someone that died. I’m her son, sort of filling in. You want me to have her call you?”

“Have her call Lisa, as soon as possible.” I hung up and sighed.

“You alright?” someone asked.

“Hey, Sheri. No. we lost one last night. Max.”

“The one who helped save me?”


“I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok. I’ll get over it. He was one of the best, though. He taught me. Everything I know-all my abilities-I learned from him.” I started to cry, but tried to hide it.

She sat next to me and put her arm around me. This wasn’t me. Crying in front of people. I sniffled and got up.

“I’m gonna try to take a nap.” I went to my room, locked the door, changed, and laid down.

I woke up an hour later because my phone was ringing.

“Hey, Lin,” I said.

“Hey. You called?”

“Yeah, about Max.”

“A huge loss for all of us. How are you holding up?”

“Fine. When is the funeral?”

“Three days. Stephanie came to me. She said she wanted to work with you for the rest of the week. Is that ok with you?”

“Fine. The company will do me well.”

“I’ll let you get sleep.”

“Thanks. See ya later.”

I hung up and went back to sleep.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Today, we mourn the loss of someone great. Max Johnson was one of our greatest slayers. He possessed great abilities. He was a fighter, a leader, and even a teacher. He taught many others. We will all miss him greatly. Let this be a warning. You may be a slayer, but never let your guard down. Always be on your toes. We will not rest until we find them all, and kill them. Max will go down as a legend, as one of the best we’ve ever had.”

I sighed and swallowed the lump in my throat. After they buried him, I stood there for a few.

“You holding up ok?” someone asked behind me.

“Hey, Linda. I’m fine.” I turned to her and the guy standing next to her. “I know
you,” I said.

“This is Frank, my son. Frank? Lisa, our best slayer.”

“Nice to meet you,” he said, holding out his hand.

“Likewise.” I grabbed his hand and gave it a shake. “I’ve seen you around town.”


“I better get home. Try to squeeze in a quick nap before work.”

I gave Frank a quick grin before I headed off towards home. I walked in, went straight to my room, and crashed. I fell asleep thinking about Frank. He seemed like a good guy, and very good looking