Status: Complete: Might plan a re-write in the future.

The Sharpest Lives

Lisa's POV

*~Lisa’s P.O.V~*

I woke up at about four-thirty. I got dressed and went downstairs.

“Hey, Sheri,” I said.


“I’m gonna go grab something to eat, and start on my rounds right away. Ok?”

“Sure. I’ll be at the diner tonight. I start. Umm…I start at like nine, so…”

“I’ll pick you up and walk with you. It’s no problem.”

“Ok. Thanks.”

“I’ll call you when I’m on my way, so you know and I don’t scare you when I walk in.”

“Ok,” she laughed. “See ya.”

I headed out and went to the café. I seated myself and ordered something to eat. I was staring into my coffee, thinking about someone.

“You look bored,” someone said.

I looked up and saw Frank.

“I’m never bored,” I said.

“Well, you looked like you needed someone to talk to. Especially with all that’s went on in the last couple days.”

“I’m not one to really talk about it.”

“Well…” He sat. “My mom told me that he was important to you.”

I was starting to get frustrated. Who does he think he is inviting himself over and talking about someone special to me. I barely know him. At least, try to be nice.

“He was.”


“Heh. No. I don’t have enough of a life. He was just a really close friend.”

We actually did have a thing, but no one knew about it.

“Don’t have a life?”

“My job is my life.”

“While we’re on the topic. Why are you doing this?”

“What is this? An interrogation?” I arched my eyebrow at him.

“Just talk. I’d like to get to know you.”

“Revenge. I’m trying to find this one group that killed my brother. I remember the three of them, but I’ve seen the leader twice. He was the one that killed Max. He wants me for something, but I’ll kill him before he lays a hand on me.”

“So, this same vampire killed Max and your brother?”

“He didn’t technically kill my brother. He had a friend of his do it, but he was there. He better hope he doesn’t run into me again.” I looked outside. “Almost sundown, I better get going.”

“Can I see you tomorrow? Same time?”

“Umm…sure, I guess.”


“Yeah.” I smiled and headed out.

I think I’m starting to like him. I thought. I chuckled and continued walking. Darkness came quickly, and I watched people scramble to get home. Then I remembered. Stephanie. She’s still coming with me. I grabbed my cell and called her, to meet up.

“Sorry. I’ve been forgetful the last couple days,” I told her.

“It’s ok. I understand.”

We talked for a while, then it was silent. We got Sheri to the diner safely, then went back to work.

“I have to ask, who was the guy I saw you talking to earlier at the café?”

“Linda’s son. We just met, but she’s trying to hook us up I think.”

“He’s cute. I just walked by quickly, but I think he likes you.”

“I think so too, but I have no time for a boyfriend.”

“No, you just don’t want one.”

“What?” I looked at her. She had one of those ‘you know I’m right’ looks. “It’s true. I have no time. I work all night, go home and sleep, take a shower, and do it all over again.”

“If he likes you enough, he’ll understand. You should give him a chance.”

“You’re right, but I can’t shake the feeling that something bad will come out of this.”

“What? Like he’s a vampire” she said jokingly. “His mom’s the boss of a group of slayers. That can’t be bad.”

“I ought to tell Linda to keep you. You can be the spiritual advisor,” I laughed.

She chuckled and we went on in silence. We stopped to eat at midnight, and continued in silence. My thoughts started to wander again. I thought about Max. I can’t believe I let that bastard kill him.I shook it and went on. It was an eventless night. I went home with Sheri at dawn and we both crashed.