Status: Complete: Might plan a re-write in the future.

The Sharpest Lives

Lisa's POV

As light shed over another eventless night, I headed home. Headed home, worried about what they’re doing.

“Hey, Rocco.” I patted my dog on the head. “Gotta go potty?”

I let him out in the back then I went to change into my sweats. I headed back out
as my cell rang. My boss.

“Hey, Linda,” I said.

“Lisa. Find any last night?”

“Nope. What’s the word?”

“No one ran into anything.”

“Crap. It worries me. There’s been nothing the last two nights. You think they found a new prey?”

“Likely, but then, there’s other things they could be up to.”


“Anyways. Come by the office before the shift starts, I have your check.”

“Cool. See ya, Linda.”

“Hey, wait. You’re single right?”


“I have a son around your age. I should introduce you two.”

“I dunno. I’m pretty busy. I don’t have much time to have a life. Even my dog is independent.”

“Well, let me know. Take care.”

“You too.” I hung up. “Rocco, you tell me. Do I need a boyfriend?” He tilted his head. “You’re right. Come on, let’s go to sleep.”

I put the phone off the hook, and silenced my cell. I hopped into bed with Rocco and fell asleep. It was about 3 p.m. when I woke up. I showered, and threw on jeans and a t-shirt. It was the earliest I’ve been up, so I went to get some food. I was staring into a cup of coffee, lost in thought.

“Mom!” I shouted, running towards her and her attacker. “Get off her, asshole!” I jumped on his back.

He turned his head, looking at me with red eyes, and sharp, white fangs.

“Get…off,” he said.

“No!” I shouted.

For a second, he wasn’t looking into my eyes, but over my shoulder. I was grabbed around my waist and held back. I turned and another one with red eyes and fangs was staring at me.

“Stop!” I screamed, struggling.

I felt his breath on my neck.

“Just watch,” he whispered.

“No! Get off her!” I started to cry.

The first one hovered over, and I watched my mom gradually stop moving.

“God dammit! You asshole!”

“Your turn,” the one holding me said.

I closed my eyes and waited for it. It never came though. The next thing I knew, I was sitting on the ground, surrounded by guys in trench coats. The two attackers were laying on the ground.

“Did he bite you?”

“No. I’m fine,” I said. “But…he killed my mother.”

“You’re staring into that like you can see into the future,” someone said.

“Huh?” I looked up. “Hey, Linda.”

“Hey. Here’s your check.” She handed it to me.

“Sweet. Thanks. Anything new tonight?”

“Nope. Same rounds.”

“I better go get ready then. See ya,” I smiled and headed out.