Status: Complete: Might plan a re-write in the future.

The Sharpest Lives

Frank's POV

*~Frank’s P.O.V~*

“You idiot! I told you she was strong,” I said. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to be disrespectful.”

“It’s alright.”

“Well? You’ve seen her now.”

“Gerard was right. She has the blood. You’re doing this Saturday?”

“Yeah. Stay with Gerard. I’ve got my own part to do. See, she doesn’t know I’m a vampire. In fact, I’m the last person she’d expect.”


“My mom is her boss.”

“Oh-ho. You’ve kept it from your mother? I’m impressed.”

I forced a smile. My mom would be so heartbroken if she found out. I had told her I’m moving out of my apartment, but refused to tell her where to. ‘I’ll tell you soon,’ I’d say. I sighed.

“Ooh. Prey,” Jared said.

I looked up at two friends walking out of a diner. I grinned. Food. Jared and I slinked around and were eventually following them. I had directed him to go one way, then we could trap them. I made a noise and they both looked my direction. I watched Jared sneak up and casually lean against a building. They turned, and gasped.

“Hello ladies,” Jared said.

“Uhh…Hi,” the blonde said.

“Awfully late to be wandering. Don’t you know that there could be vampires out?”

“Well…we were just heading home,” she said, sounding nervous.

“You didn’t answer the question.”

My God this guy really is intimidating.

“We know there’s vampires. We live two minutes that way.”

Just then the other girl turned my way. I waved casually and she gasped, bumping into the other girl. She also turned and gasped, but Jared grabbed her by the shoulder and held her. The other one went to take off, but I grabbed her arm.

“Go to the alley,” Jared said.

We pulled them into a nearby alley, about halfway in.

“Frank, are you hungry? I am.” Jared grinned.

I grinned back and we went to feed. It was disappointing they didn’t put up a struggle, but hey, food’s food. When she was dead, I dropped her and changed back into my human form. I turned away to wait for Jared.

“Let’s go. Dawn approaches,” he said.

I nodded and we were off. He was silent, so I was too. I couldn’t help but think something bad was imminent.