Status: Complete: Might plan a re-write in the future.

The Sharpest Lives

Lisa's POV

I headed home and got dressed for the night. After I finished eating, I sat outside and watched the sun go down slowly. Then I locked up and headed out on my rounds. Patrolling the streets. It got annoying and boring from time to time. I’d occasionally see another slayer, and I’d say hi, but other than that, or a run-in with a vamp, there wasn’t much human contact. For me, it was upsetting, because with nothing to do, I’d think about my mom, and other close people I lost.

“Hey, C!” someone shouted.

“Hey, Kev. What’s up?”

“Not much, you?”


“You run into any?” he asked.


I honestly think he likes me. He is good looking, but as for guys, he seems to care more about his hair and stuff. Not something I like. I don’t like guys more feminine than

“Me neither. I heard that Jay got one though.”

“Well, someone’s getting action. I’ll see ya.”

“Careful.” He patted me on the back before heading off.

I sighed as I headed off in my direction. I just didn’t want guys talking to me. No vampire contact was almost upsetting. I was starting to think I wasn’t gonna run into any. It was about 3 a.m. when I had my next contact with a person.

“Hey! What are you doing out here at this hour?” I asked, approaching cautiously.

“I needed some fresh air,” he said.

I got a better look at him, and nearly fell over. Black mow hawk that fell into his face. He had tattoos, a nose ring, and a lip ring. Wow, I thought.

“You shouldn’t be out here,” I said.

“What about you?”

“It’s my job. You need me to take you somewhere?”

“Nah. I live right here.”

“Go on inside. Lock the doors.”

I watched him head in, then I headed off again. That’s when I felt eyes on my back. I turned, but there was nothing. I shook it off and continued walking. Soon, it was time to head back home. Another uneventful night. As dawn just cracked, I saw someone walking in my direction. I ducked behind a bush and he passed, mumbling. I followed quietly, listening.

“Damn master, always sending me out at the crack of dawn, last minute. Why can’t they bring him blood in the middle of the night?”

Hmm, I thought. I wonder that too. Well, this’ll be the last ti--’snap.’ I looked at the twig I stepped on.