Status: Complete: Might plan a re-write in the future.

The Sharpest Lives

Lisa's POV

*~Lisa’s P.O.V~*

I busied myself with counting the swirls in the wood floor. I was at it for a while when I heard the door unlock. The one that Gerard called Jared walked in. I sat up in bed and turned away from him.

“You can ignore us, but it’ll just make life more difficult,” he said.

“What do you want with me?”

“Gerard didn’t say?” I shook my head. “Best to have him explain it.”

“I don’t wanna see him.”

“Well, you don’t have many choices here. This whole thing was his idea.”

I scoffed and walked over to the window. Oh how I wanted to jump this guy and beat him.

“You should eat.”

“Don’t want to. Just leave me alone.”

“You don’t have choices here. You’re gonna have to cooperate with them sooner or later.”

I turned to him angrily.

“I don’t have to listen to anyone! Got that? You don’t waltz in here and tell me I don’t have a choice. I’d rather die than be one of you!” I shouted.

He went to grab me, but I ducked and pushed him away.

“Hey!” he shouted as I ran for the door.

I opened it and was grabbed by the arm. I looked at Gerard, then Frank who was standing behind him.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Gerard asked.

I tried to pull my arm away from him.

“Gerard, you didn’t explain yet?” Jared asked.

“I was later, when you all went to feed.” He pushed me back into the room.

I locked eyes with Frank for a moment. He looked ashamed, but I was angry at him.

“Gerard, just tell her now while we’re here,” Frank said.

“We’re gonna change you and you’re gonna help us kill the slayers,” Gerard said.

“No fucking way,” I said.

“You’re gonna be in this room for a long time then.”

I turned and jumped at him, dragging him to the ground. Jared and Frank each grabbed one of my arms and pulled me back. I kicked my feet at him, but he backed away from us.

“Calm her, Jared.”

I was roughly turned and Jared’s eyes met mine. A wave of fatigue swept over me. They let me go and I went to sit on the bed. Gerard and Jared left the room. Frank came closer, but he wouldn’t make eye contact.

“You have some things in that bag, and there’s a bathroom over there,” he said.

“Why’d you play me like that?” I asked.

“I don’t know. I almost came to you one day and said everything. Gerard wasn’t going to give up. I tried to talk him out of it, but it didn’t work.”

“Linda’s gonna call looking for me,” I said.

“That’s why I’m gonna tell her you left at midnight.”

I let out a frustrated sigh. My eyes fell on the tray.

“He knows I’m not taking those pills. I don’t know what they are.”

“All they do is calm your nerves. I’ve taken a lot in the last week. You have to eat with them otherwise you’ll get sick.”

“I’m not taking them.”

“Can’t force you.”

“What’s so special about me anyways?”

“Your blood. You can be strong, very strong.”

“He can find another person.”

“It’s hard to find blood like yours.”

“I’m not gonna do it. You know that.”

He sighed. “He won’t give up. He’ll see to it that you change, one way or another.”

“I told you, if he laid a hand on me I’d rip out his fucking heart.”

“I don’t know what he’s got planned, but I will not let him hurt you. That’s a promise.”

“And you expect me to trust you after the way you lied to me like that?”

“He’s telling the truth,” a female voice came from the door.

“Sheri? Don’t tell me you’re one too!” I was starting to get worked up again.

“I’m not…yet. Yes, I was used to get you. Frank is not lying. He didn’t wanna go through with it, but he didn’t want you to get hurt.”

“And you wondered why I had no life. I can’t trust people. The only ones I can are those I work with, and I’m not helping that son of a bitch kill them,” I said through gritted teeth.

“Lisa, you have to calm down,” Frank said.

“Just leave me alone right now,” I said.

They got up and left, locking the door behind them. I grabbed the bag and went into the bathroom. I took a hot shower and put on clean clothes and gym shoes. I laid down in bed and I managed to fall asleep.