Status: Complete: Might plan a re-write in the future.

The Sharpest Lives

Frank's POV

*~Frank’s POV~*

“Good feeding tonight,” I said.

“And why aren’t we staying out all night?” Mikey asked.

“Because we gotta hurry back with this for Ray.”

“Why us? Why do they get to stay out?”

“Mikey, stop complaining.” I rolled my eyes, then I stopped.


“Something’s wrong. Come on.” I took off towards the house.

I told Mikey to go to her room and check on her. The front door was left open.

“Ray? Where are you?”

“She’s gone!”

“Shit, Ray! Mikey, call Gerard!”

I saw feet, then I saw Ray, laying on the floor. He was bleeding, and he had a couple of stab wounds. Mikey was at my side and he gasped.

“Ray was attacked, and she’s missing,” Mikey said.

“Heal him.” I took the phone. “Meet me by that weird tree…No, the door was open, I told Mikey to go check on her. He said she was gone, then I found Ray. Someone must have sensed something. I’m leaving now.” I hung up. “Mikey, heal him and stay with him.”

I ran out and found them by the tree. We told Jared to bring Sheri home, then Gerard, Bob, and I went to find her.

“We have no idea where she is though,” Bob said.

“Wait,” Gerard stopped. “They say if we care about someone enough, we can sense and track them. Frank?”

I changed into full form and I focused. It didn’t take long.

“That way!” I pointed.

We went, and a few minutes later we found her, wandering. The she ducked by a tree due to the noises. Someone whispered something then it was silent. She stood up and we were going to get her, but someone grabbed her. I swore under my breath when they tied her to the tree.

“Her neck is covered in blood,” Gerard whispered. “She wasn’t bitten though.”

“What the hell are they doing?” I asked.

“Them! Pete, Brendon, and Matt. Remember them?”

“Shit,” I said. “We gotta save her.”

I had come to the conclusion they broke in, attacked Ray, and took her.

“Hey! Let her go!” I shouted.

“Well, well. Look who the girl dragged over.”

No more words were exchanged. We just started to fight. I jumped on Pete, and pulled him away from Lisa, who was now limp. He growled at me, but I lunged at him and tackled him. I pulled him up and pushed him against a tree. I glared at him. He didn’t do anything though. Then I saw him go back to human form. Then I smelled fresh blood. My eyes fell on the tree branch sticking through his chest, right through his heart. Things quieted down quickly.

“I said we could kill them easily,” Gerard said.

I went to Lisa and untied her. She fell into me and I examined her. No bite marks, but I couldn’t get over the blood on her neck. I picked her up and we went back to the house. I laid her in bed and went to grab a rag. I wet it and wiped off her neck. With a clean side, I wiped her face. She stirred.