Status: Complete: Might plan a re-write in the future.

The Sharpest Lives

Lisa's POV

*~Lisa’s P.O.V~*

A huge furry thing ran into the room. I got scared for about two seconds.

“Rocco!” He jumped up and I hugged him.

I instantly noticed something was off. I looked in my dog’s eyes. My suspicions were right.

“What the fuck did you do to my dog!?” I shouted at Gerard.

“We could’ve left him to rot at your house, but we didn’t. Consider it the first test of our experiment, that went well.”

I glared at him. “I’ll fucking kill you!” I charged at him, but was immediately grabbed by Bob and Jared. “Dammit. Fuck! Let me go! I’ll kill you!”

“The experiment went well though. You’ll be happier after you change.”

“No fucking way will I do it now! After you turned my dog into a demon dog. I’ll fucking slit my own throat.”

“Bob, Jared, take her out for a few. I need to talk to our new guest. Maybe take her to see Ray, who’s alive and well.”

I struggled, but Bob lifted me off my feet and I hung over his shoulder. Jared walked behind us. He was grinning.

“Wipe that fucking smirk off your face,” I snapped. “You better not hurt her!” I shouted towards the door.

“Shut up, people are asleep,” Bob said.

We went up another flight of stairs and turned into a room.

“Get her away from me.”

I was put back on my feet and turned. I saw the poofy haired guy, Ray. He looked at me nervously.

“She’s come to say sorry,” Jared said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

I crossed my arms and shut my mouth. I wasn’t saying anything. Ray looked at me expecting me to say something, but I didn’t. I looked around his room. Nothing special though, and dim like the rest.

“Just take her to Frank, I don’t need to see her,” Ray said.

“I’ll see if Gerard’s done,” Bob said, then walking out.

Jared gently shoved me towards the door, and I walked out. I could feel those eyes staring at me. It made me uneasy. It’s daytime. They can’t do anything in the daytime.

“I know what you’re thinking, you’re uneasy and trying to convince yourself that we can’t do anything because it’s daytime. We can, but we usually won’t.”

I tensed up when he said that, but I didn’t look at him. He was still staring at me though, and I was getting annoyed. I was going to say something, but I decided against it. Why? I dunno. We stopped by my room, but Bob shook his head. I got nervous.

“Go,” Jared said.

We headed down the hall to another room. This house has a lot of hallways.

“Yes it’s a big house,” he said.

I looked at him oddly. “I didn’t say-”

“I can read minds,” he interrupted me before peeking into the room. “Frank, are you busy?”


“Gerard’s busy with the new girl, would you mind watching Lisa? I’m gonna sleep.”

“Not at all.”

He looked at me. “In. Go now.”

I walked in and he shut the door. Frank was lying on his bed, wearing only a pair of black jeans. I hoped his room was dim enough where he didn’t see me blushing. It was a little awkward though.

“My bed’s more comfortable than standing there,” he said.

I went and sat on the edge of his bed. I looked around his room. Same as the other. Nothing special. I heard movement, and I could feel his presence close to me.

“Who’s the other girl?” he asked.

“A friend of mine. Another slayer, one I was training. What’s he gonna do to her?”

“I have no idea. He likes her like I like you-oohh.” He tried to cut himself off but he failed.

I turned to him. He grinned and looked embarrassed.

“Now you know how it feels,” I said. “To say something before stopping yourself.”

He chuckled. “Answer me something. Why do you get calm with me around, but are so angry with the others?”

“I don’t know. You’re the only one who doesn’t yell at me, or basically attack me.”


“Well, it’s true.”

“I’ve talked to them about that. Gerard’s just hot-headed. He’ll cool down. He’s already admitted things, like he’s aware that you’re short-tempered. He knows what you’re capable of. Ray’s just pissed, he’ll be fine soon.”

“Frank? Will they really force it in a month?”

“No clue.”

I looked towards the door. I hoped Gerard wasn’t hurting Steph. He wouldn’t, would he?