Status: Complete: Might plan a re-write in the future.

The Sharpest Lives

Steph's POV

Lisa was pissed, her dog wasn’t just a dog anymore, and I was clueless. I got scared when they pulled her out. The group leader wanted to talk to me.

“You better not hurt her!”

He looked towards the door, then he shut it. I curled up on the bed, close to the wall. He came and stood by the window, staring outside. I waited for him to say something. My eyes fell on the dog again. He sat there, looking normal, panting lightly.

“It’s nice to know you’re not ill-tempered like she is.”

I looked at him, but I didn’t say anything. I was afraid to say something. He didn’t look back at me though.

“I’m Gerard. Tell me your name.”


“Stephanie, nice.” He turned and finally looked at me. “I suppose you want to know why you’re here?”

“Do you want to change me like Lisa?”

He grinned a little. “Lisa’s already talked to you then. I suppose she’s already mentioned if she doesn’t in a month, she’ll be forced. Trust me, it’s a lot more painful forced. You can ask Frank. He was forced.”


“The one who likes her.”

“You want to change me? Why?”

“Keep Lisa calmer after she changes. Having a friend to work with. I like you. We need to get rid of the slayers so our race can thrive again. Will you do it?”

“And if I don’t?”

“You can talk to Frank to see just how bad it hurts. He cried. He never cries in pain.”

“What’s the difference in pain?”

“No expecting it, flinching, being held down, prolonged agony. Plus, who likes being forced to do something?”

“Either way it hurts?”

“Actually, we can make it painless for the willing.”


“It’s a secret. We can’t tell anybody, unless you already are a vampire.”


“So, will you do it? You don’t have to tell Lisa.”

“How will I hide it?”

“It’s easy. We’ll bring you blood. You just have to tell us when she’s asleep, or in the shower.”

I sighed and hung my head. What am I gonna do? I didn’t want to betray Lisa like she’d already been betrayed. Then again I didn’t want to be forced. Wait till Lisa goes? I dunno.

“Well, let me know,” Gerard said.

I looked up and he was heading for the door.

“Wait,” I said, and he turned back to me. “I’ll do it, if you promise she won’t find out.”

He grinned and he came over to me. Why did I say that? Because I like him? Because I have feelings for him?I pulled my hair up, and he placed his hands on my neck. I closed my eyes and waited for the teeth. They never came. His hands trembled a little, then he removed them.

“You’ll feel some numbness. Well, it’ll go numb later. I’ll be back.”

I blinked at him. He didn’t say another word as he just walked out. I ran to the bathroom and looked at my neck. Nothing. Did he do it?I heard the door open and I ran back out. The blonde guy came in and took the dog.

“I’m Bob,” he said.


He nodded and left. A second later the door opened again and another guy came in with a bag. I remembered his face from last night.

“Some of your stuff. Clothes.”

I looked at him oddly then nodded. He walked out and the door locked. Where’s Lisa?I went through the bag, grabbed some stuff, then went for a shower. When I turned the water off, I heard shouting. Lisa was shouting. I quickly got dressed and listened while I was.

“I don’t believe you! What’d you do to her!?” she shouted, I assumed at Gerard.

“Nothing. She’s perfectly normal.”

“Bull! I swear, if you did something to her, I will hurt you.” Her voice dropped.

Gerard muttered something, then the door slammed. I walked out to see Lisa kick the door. She kicked it hard too, because she jumped back and limped to her bed. Then she saw me.

“What’d he do to you?”

“Nothing. He talked to me. He wants me here for the same reason as you,” I lied, well, half lied.

“What’d you tell him?”

“I didn’t say anything.”

She sighed and sat on her bed. I went to the bathroom to finish my hair. The rest of the day, no one came in, and there wasn’t much talking. Around midnight, she was sound asleep, and I was just dozing off when the door opened. I thought I was dreaming it, but a hand came over my mouth. I looked up at Gerard. He wasn’t totally Gerard though. I could see a dim red glow in his eyes. He put a finger to his lips.

“Come on,” he whispered.

I got up and followed him. I took a look at Lisa, and I was starting to have second thoughts.