Status: Complete: Might plan a re-write in the future.

The Sharpest Lives

Frank's POV

*~Frank’s POV~*

We were out hunting, Bob staying back at the house. Gerard was with us, then he was gone.

“Where’s Gerard?” I asked.

“Went back to the house for something,” Ray said.

“We’re supposed to meet him at the cemetery too,” Jared said.

Mikey, Sheri, and Ray walked ahead, so I nudged Jared.

“Have you talked to Gerard? Will he force me to change Lisa if she doesn’t go along with it?” I asked.

“Dunno.” He shrugged.

We walked into the cemetery, shocked to find Gerard already there. There was someone standing beside him. I realized it was that other slayer.

“I’m proud to have one person that is not difficult here,” Gerard started. “Stephanie here has decided to take the easy way out. Frank? Tell her just how bad it hurts when change is forced.”

“Really bad,” I said, cringing at the thought.

“Well, Steph understands and she has decided to change tonight.” He put his arm around her.

She looked nervous. I was nervous. Mainly about what Lisa would do. We waited for a bit for the full moon to come back. I didn’t understand why he needed to wait like this. Then it hit me. He wanted to do a traditional change. The moon flooded through and shone down on us. Gerard was in full form, and he stared at Steph. She was breathing heavily.

“It won’t hurt. What I did earlier made all of the tissues in your neck numb. Are you ready?”


“On behalf of the entire race of vampires, and my clan, I welcome you. You will black out for about two hours while your body completes the transformation.”

She nodded and Gerard grabbed her. He went in and sunk his fangs into her neck. The moon disappeared, and darkness flooded again.

“Frank, you stay with me. The rest of you go and hunt, bring some back for us,” Gerard said.

I watched them walk away and I sat by Gerard. Steph lay limp next to him. I had to ask.

“Gerard? If she doesn’t go along with it in a month, what are you going to do?”

“We’ll hold her and you’re gonna do it. I said we would force it and we will.”

“Gerard!? I am not going to hurt her like that!” I instantly grew angry.

“Well you better talk her into it. You will force it by the end of the month.”

I got to my feet and started to walk away. I was angry. As I headed off I turned.

“I won’t do it. I will not hurt her.”

I stormed away back to the house. I went inside and went to the kitchen. I kicked a chair out of sheer anger.

“You ok?”

I looked up at Bob.

“No I don’t want to talk about it. I’m gonna go talk to her.”

“No. She doesn’t know that Steph is going through with it. Plus, she’s under some sort of sleeping power anyways.”

“Shit.” I kicked another chair.

“What’s wrong?”

I sighed. “I need your help Bob. I need you to help me talk her into change.”

“Gerard really will force you to do it?”

“I’m not going to hurt her like that.”

“I’ll try to help. Talk to Mikey also. He’s good at talking to others.”

“I did get her to say ‘I’ll think about it.’ Then Gerard had to do that to her dog. She got pissed.”

“I know. I was there.”

“Gerard’s starting to piss me off. He and Jared.”

“Frank? It’ll be ok. It’ll blow over. I promise everything will be fine.”

“Bob? I wish I could believe that.” I turned and went upstairs. I paced my room in deep thought, then I just went to sleep.