Status: Complete: Might plan a re-write in the future.

The Sharpest Lives

Steph's POV

I felt funny when I woke up. I opened my eyes and swallowed in the darkness. Then the moon came out, illuminating Gerard’s face. He stared at the sky. Then, as if someone told him I was awake, he spoke.


I blinked then sat up. He looked at me and grinned.

“How do you feel?”


“You’ll get used to it quickly. Come on, up on your feet.” He got up and pulled me with. “It’ll be a couple of days until you can change fully, but right now, you need to cut your fangs. It is really painful the first time, but it needs to be done. Let’s see them.”



I closed my eyes and concentrated on my teeth. I could feel something, then I felt the excruciating pain, and the pressure. I squeezed on Gerard’s hand. Then it stopped. I looked at Gerard.

“Beautiful,” he said.

I felt the tips of them with my tongue. They were sharp. Very sharp.

“Ready to use them?”

I looked at him again. “You mean…”

“Yep. Come on.”

I followed him into town. He led the way into an alley and stopped. He pressed me up against the wall gently.

“We wait,” he whispered.

“I thought you hunt?” I asked.

“We do. This is how we hunt with newbies. We wait for a loner to walk by.”

“What if no one walks by?”

I looked and saw Gerard pick up a rat. I watched in horror as he bit it, and drank it’s blood. Some blood dripped down his chin. I knew I was supposed to be disgusted, but the scent and the sight of the blood told me otherwise.

“You do that,” he said, smiling.

I blinked and looked at him. He had a serious look on his face. I was beginning to wonder what I had gotten myself into. As we sat in the alley, he explained everything to me. Then we got up to start heading back to the house. We stepped out of the alley, and scared ourselves, along with the two people we ran into. I recognized them, but I didn’t know their names.

“Mikey, you shouldn’t be running around with her. She’s not a vampire yet,” Gerard said.

“Sorry, Gee. We weren’t running around.”

I looked at Mikey and the girl standing next to him.

“Steph, this is my brother Mikey, and that’s Sheri, his soon to be partner. She also played a huge part in helping us get Lisa.”

I nodded and noticed Sheri’s face fall. She looked hurt as soon as Gerard said she helped kidnap Lisa. I figured there had to be double-crossing. The four of us went back to the house. The other two guys were there, the one with the hair, and Jared. Bob was there too. They were talking. Mikey and Sheri joined them. Gerard pulled me with him upstairs, and to the door of my room.

“Thank you for going along with it, and not being negative. You did good for your first night,” he said.

I nodded, and he opened the door.

“Are you sure we’ll hide it?” I asked.

“Yes. Get some rest. We’ll talk later.” He gave me a kiss on the cheek and gently pushed me into the room.

The door locked behind me and I stood there. Lisa was sound asleep. The light of dawn began to filter into the room, and I changed into something to sleep in. I laid in my bed, and stared at the ceiling. Twenty-four hours ago I was hunting what I’ve become. I didn’t feel guilty though. I sighed, rolled over, and went to sleep.