Status: Complete: Might plan a re-write in the future.

The Sharpest Lives

Lisa's POV

I woke up sometime mid-morning. I had an idea. I was getting out f here today, and I was going far away from here. Steph was still sound asleep. I went for a shower and got dressed in jeans and a black sweatshirt. I put my boots on, because they were going to come in handy. Steph was awake when I stepped out.

“I have an idea to get us out of here,” I said.

She didn’t say anything, so I assumed she was waiting for me to continue.

“Maybe if I pretend to be sick. You act worried, and maybe one of them will come, then go for help. Then we go, because in a panicked frenzy, someone would most likely forget to lock the door.”

“Are you sure it would work?”

“I’m not going to chance. I have to get out of here.” I went to the door.

I heard quick footsteps walk by after a door slammed. A few minutes later, I heard more footsteps. They seemed to stop at the door. I went and laid in the middle of the room, and pretended to be unconscious. I herd Frank’s voice, then he left.

“Ok,” Steph said.

“Come on.” I got to my feet.

Like I said, the door was open. I grabbed Steph’s arm and we headed out and down the hall. People were heading upstairs already. We went into the next flight of stairs and hid there. Frank, Bob, and Mikey went by. We waited a moment, then crept around the corner and went down the stairs. I looked around the corner to the front door. Jared was standing there.

“Damn. Come on, there has to be a back door.”

I pulled Steph the other way through the foyer. We went through a den, and into the kitchen. I noticed a handprint by the light switch. I grinned to myself. Then I saw someone stand up behind the counter. It was Sheri.

“What are you doing down here?” she asked.

“Where’s the back door?” I asked.

“Umm…over there. Did they leave the door open because Steph changed?”

I headed where she pointed until the words comprehended fully. I stopped, turned, and glared.

“What did you say?” I asked.

Steph looked at the floor. I grew angry. I couldn’t believe what I heard. Sheri made a face that read ‘oops.’

“Have a nice life here, Steph,” I said.

I turned and headed for the back door. I didn’t make I far though. I turned a corner and smacked into someone. I looked. Jared.

“Where could you be going?” he asked, grinning.

I glared at him, waiting for him to make the first move. I’m usually good at reactions, but he caught me off guard. He shoved me against a wall and pinned my arms.

“Ladies, could you excuse us please?” he asked.

I didn’t struggle against him. I knew it wasn’t going to work. I hung my head. Only a couple of days here and I was giving up. I felt ashamed of myself. I just felt weak. Mainly because I haven’t eaten since I got here.

“Not fighting? I’m shocked,” he said.

“Fuck off,” I said, looking back up and eyeing my next move.

“Hey guys! Come here!”

I brought my knee up, but I missed the spot I wanted to hit. I hit him in the stomach. It did send him back. I ran for the counter and as he tackled me, I grabbed the butcher knife. I swung my arm and hoped I didn’t get myself. I found something and stabbed. I saw his face scrunch up painfully. I tried to twist it, but he found my arm and grabbed it. He straddled me and pinned my arms down. He glared, then I saw his fangs.

“What? You gonna bite me?” I asked.

“Maybe I will,” he said.

“Go ahead, see if I don’t kill myself afterwards. You think I wouldn’t?”

“You think I haven’t been in this situation before?”

He moved closer and I tried to head butt him. I tried moving my legs to kick at him, but it wasn’t working. My eyes fell on the knife in his side.

“Yeah, you’re not gonna be so grateful I missed when I stabbed you.”

He smirked, but his fangs were still bared. I honestly had no clue what his intentions were.

“Just wait. We’re gonna enjoy holding you down and forcing you to change. Watching you suffer.”

I got angry and kicked my legs again. It wasn’t phasing him though. He kept a tight grip on my wrists.

“Bite me them. Go ahead!” I yelled.

He hissed and bared his fangs.

“Jared! No!” someone shouted.

I looked and saw everybody standing around. Jared got up and limped away with Mikey and Sheri in tow. I saw Steph, but she quickly ran out of the room.

“Up,” Gerard said in an angry tone.

I stood up and faced him. Bob and Ray seemed to be on standby. Frank stood behind me. I waited for Gerard to yell at me. There was a moment of silence.

“Frank, you have one week to talk her into it. If not, it will be forced.” Gerard turned and left.

“Damn,” Frank said behind me.