Status: Complete: Might plan a re-write in the future.

The Sharpest Lives

Jared's POV

The girl was getting on my last nerve. I wanted to kill her after she stabbed me in the side. I stormed out of the kitchen, the knife still stuck in my side. I limped up the stairs to my room. Mikey and Sheri came in after.

“Want me to get that?” Mikey asked.

“I got it,” I said, grabbing the handle of the knife.

“You sure?”

“Yes,” I said, somewhat harshly.

They walked out and I let go of the knife, leaving it stuck in my flesh. I was afraid to pull it, but I wasn’t one to show it. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. It was almost to the handle.

“You gotta pull it out,” I said to myself.

I grabbed a towel and bit down on it. I took a deep breath and pulled. I felt the excruciating pain in my side. I immediately held my hand on it and felt the pain subside. I pulled my shirt off and saw the wound disappear.

“Oh how great the power is,” I said.

I looked in the mirror into my own eyes. I felt my anger boiling over, but I knew I had to keep my cool. I walked out of the bathroom and pulled on a new shirt. I went and laid down. I was dozing off when I heard the door creak open.

“Sorry about her,” Gerard said. “You ok?”

I nodded and sat up. I showed him the knife, covered in blood to the handle.

“She got me good,” I said.

“We’ll have better control in a week. I told him he has a week to talk her into it. There’s tension between Frank and I right now.”

“I could tell. I know it’s not in my interest, but you two should patch things up. We’re all going to have to work together with the girl.”

“You’re right. Frank just had a hard time believing when I told him about my father.”

“Oh. You know what? We should all try to talk to her. I understand we all can get angry at her, but maybe if we stop, she’ll stop.”

“Coming from the person who nearly bit her a half hour ago.”

I looked up at him. He had a sly grin on his face. I looked back down and chuckled. He was right.

“Where’s she at?”

“Back in her room, talking with Frank the last I heard.”

“He’s the reason she won’t kill herself. She says she will, but she won’t.”

“I know that. Frank likes her, and she likes him.”

I sat I thought for a moment, then I got a thought. I didn’t say it though, because it would go against what I just said about being calm. Then I got another thought.

“I say we just ignore her this week. Only let Frank talk to her. He does have that affect on her to calm her down.”

“I’m gonna try that. I just came to see if you were ok.”

“Yeah. I am.”

“Ok. I’ll let you rest.”

I gave a short nod and he left. I laid back down and fell asleep.