Status: Complete: Might plan a re-write in the future.

The Sharpest Lives

Frank's POV

I was pissed at Gerard, and I was pissed at Jared. I had a week now. I was still stunned a the kitchen attack. Lisa was shaking with anger as the kitchen emptied out. I placed my hand on her back. She turned to me with the look of defeat. It shocked me considering only three days had gone by.

“I’m sorry,” I said.

She hung her head. I was alert just incase she decided to unleash more anger.

“I know you are,” she said quietly.

I gave her a gentle push and we headed back towards the stairs. She seemed upset, so I put my arm around her shoulders. I expected her to pull away, but she didn’t. We went back to her room. I closed the door, and she went and sat on her bed. She hugged her knees, and looked at her wrists, that were red from Jared gripping them.

“I’m screwed, aren’t I?” she asked quietly. I sighed, and she continued. “I told myself I would never give in, but I have no choice, do I?”

I don’t know why, but those words she spoke really hit me. Maybe it was because I really did like her, and didn’t want to see her give up on herself. Once again, I grew angry at everyone else. I knew what I was going to do, and I was going to do it tonight.

“I have an idea, but I can’t tell you until tonight,” I said, sitting by her.

“How can I trust you?” she asked, almost glaring at me. “You did betray me.”

“I know, but-”

“But, you were obviously hurt, and ashamed about it.”

“I was. So, can you wait until tonight? I’ll be back for you.”

“How do I know you won’t change me?”

“I won’t, unless you say to do it.”

“I’ll wait, but if you try anything, I will do something, whether it be killing you or myself.”

She sounded angry, but I nodded. She had a reason to. I just hoped my plan would work.

“Don’t worry, I would never do that again. I’ve learned my lesson the first time. I’ve got a few things to do. I’ll be back later.”

I got up and headed out, closing the door behind me. I held my cell phone in my hand. I flipped it open and scrolled to find my mom’s number. When I was prepared, I clicked it and went to my room, locking the door. Shockingly, and also to my pleasure, I got her voicemail.

“Hey, mom, it’s Frank. What I’m about to say is nothing short of the truth. Lisa’s with me, at a house in the woods. The woods where all the vampires live. I’m one of them along with my friends. Lisa is not, but she’s okay. Tonight I’m gonna take her and we’re gonna leave. You’ll never see, or probably hear form me again. I love you, mom. Take care of yourself. I’m sorry I hid the truth.”

I closed my phone and sighed. I took out the battery and went to my window. I threw the battery as far as I could. I stayed in my room for the rest of the ay. The house was quiet. As night fell, Gerard asked if I was staying. I nodded and they left. I watched out my window and made sure they were all there. I waited ten minutes, and I went to her room. She was asleep. I went and shook her gently.

“Lisa? Wake up.”

“I’m up,” she groaned. “What?”

“You and I are running away.”