Status: Complete: Might plan a re-write in the future.

The Sharpest Lives

Frank's POV

We had moved all day, going through two towns. I had a plan to get us a car so we could move faster. By now they knew we were gone, and soon would probably be on our trails. As dusk settled in, we took a break at the park to watch the sun set. Lisa had been silent all day. She seemed shaken. I couldn’t blame her. I could tell she had some trust in me, because she stayed close. Even now as we sat, she leaned on me.

“Are you alright?” I asked.

“Honestly. I dunno,” she said. “Too much on my mind.”

“Do you want to talk about it?"

“This whole situation is confusing me. It’s as simple as that.”

“I really wish I knew what to tell you.”

“Frank, would they kill us if they found out about us?”

“Who’s ‘they?’”

“The other vampires.”

“Doubtful, although if they caught us, the results wouldn’t be pretty.”


“I couldn’t say. We won’t let them catch us though.”

She sighed and leaned into me. She was distraught, shaken, and I could tell she was scared. As the sun set, I felt my bloodlust coming stronger. Both of us got up and walked. I had to find us a car. We headed into an alley, so I could go feed. After feeding, I went through nearby streets, and found an open house. I snuck around and found car keys. I got in the car and drove off. I felt a slight pang of guilt, but it was for the safety of myself and someone I love.

“Whoa, Love? Did I just go there? I did.”

Did I really love Lisa? It was impossible though. She was the hunter, and I’m the hunted. I pulled up to the alley and got out.


I waited for her to emerge, but she didn’t. A few minutes went by, so I walked into the alley. Cautiously of course. I tried to sense out where she might be. I thought then that I might have gone into the wrong alley. I turned, but then I heard a whimper. I turned back and walked deeper in.

“Lisa?” I called again.

I heard a crash and someone yelling. “Get off me!”

I ran to the source of the crash, nearly tripping on a garbage can. I tried to see what was going on until a body flew into me. Too heavy to be Lisa, I looked. A vampire. It flinched a couple of times before going limp and hitting the ground with a soft thud. Silence.

“Lisa? You there?” I asked.

No answer. No noise. Absolute silence. I began to worry. I went deeper into the alley but saw nothing. I was getting frantic.

“I lost her, damnit,” I said to myself. “Lisa!? Answer me please?”

Nothing. I ran back to the car and turned to shine the lights into the alley. Knocked over garbage cans, and a dead vampire. I had to find Lisa before the wrong person did. She was perfectly capable of handling herself, but it was the middle of the night.

I drove around the area slowly, hoping to find her. I wasn’t getting any luck, so I stopped at the park. I sat on a bench to think. Thinking out loud to myself.

“Where could she be? I gotta find her before the wrong person does. Before Gerard-”I paused. “Gerard! Fuck!”

I knew they were gonna be looking for us, and I couldn’t bear to think what would happen if, or when they found us. I started to regret the decision to run away, but it was too late to go back. Lisa could be seriously hurt, or worse, someone could be forcing her to change against her will. I didn’t want to see her hurt. I needed to find her and make sure she was okay, even if we were going to go our separate ways. I wanted to at least see her off safely. I needed some form of closure if that’s what it was going to come down to.