Status: Complete: Might plan a re-write in the future.

The Sharpest Lives

Lisa's POV

I sat in the alley as Frank went to feed. For an hour I contemplated running away. The pros and cons went through my head. I wanted my life back.

“Do it. Just run. He double crossed you. You shouldn’t care anymore,” I told myself.

I held my head in my hands for a while and thought. If I want to go so bad, what’s holding me back?

“Fuck it. I’m gone. Sorry Frank.”

I saw headlights coming from the side as I got up. I ran into the alley out of sight from the entrance. I slowed to a walk until someone spoke.

“You shouldn’t be with him. You’re not a vampire.” I looked around but saw no one.

“I’m running away anyways. What’s it to you?”

“But you still love him.” The voice was behind me.

As I turned, I was grabbed. I tried to push him off, but I couldn’t. The alley lit up faintly.

“Lisa?” I heard Frank’s voice.

I kicked at the guy, but I couldn’t shake him off. My foot hit a garbage can, knocking it over. I finally managed to elbow him in the face and he let go. I found a stick and plunged it into his chest. Then I immediately took off running. As I exited on the other side, I slowed to a walk. I wandered aimlessly for a while to figure things out. As dawn broke I had my priorities straight. I needed a phone, but I was broke. I had no money on me. I saw a couple of people walking to their businesses, so I stopped one.

“Do you have like fifty cents I could use for a pay phone?” I asked.

I was kindly handed four quarters, so I went for a pay phone. I immediately called Linda’s cell, praying for her to pick up. No answer so I left a message as to not waste the call.

“Lin, it’s me. I’m on a pay phone, but listen. I’m fine. Your son is one of them, and we ran away from the house after they kidnapped me. I ran away from Frank though. I’ll try to stay in this town…umm…Prairie Hill, for as long as I can. It’s not far. I don’t know if I can go back alone, cause they’re looking for me. They have Steph too, but they changed her. So please try and send someone here. I’m unarmed and broke.”

I hung up and dialed her office number. Again I got an answering machine.

“Lin, it’s Lisa. I just called your cell. I’m in Prairie Hill after I ran away with Frank. I’m not with him anymore though, I ran away. I’ll try to stay here, hopefully someone from there can come here and-” I was cut off by someone picking up the line.


“So, Prairie Hill huh?” A male asked.


“It’s one of your favorite people ever.”

“Who are you?”

“Hint. I killed your best friend and changed the girl you work with.”

“I’ll fucking kill you!?”

“Better hide. I got others searching for you now. They’re coming.”

“Fuck you. What did you do to them?”

“The rest of the slayers? Oh they don’t know I’m here. Only Linda, who looks extremely angry right now.”

“Don’t you fucking hurt her!”

“I won’t hurt her if you come back willingly. Frank? He’ll come back on his own, but I could care less. I’ll be here in her office. You have forty-eight hours to be standing in front of me.”

“Or what!?”

“She’ll die, and they’ll all die.”

“What if I should happen to die?”

“Don’t be a smartass with me. Do it. I’ll have people watching you. Forty-eight hours.” The line went dead.

“Fuck!” I threw the phone.

I headed to a coffee shop and sat. I thought. Run away and loose them. Go to him and risk my own life. I had to save them. I felt eyes on me, so I looked around. One person staring at me quickly looked away. I narrowed my eyes and left the place. I managed to find fifty cents and called the office back. Answering machine.

“Listen, I’ll be there. Get your people off my ass, or I won’t. Got it? Call them off or I disappear.” I hung up.

I began to head back, walking for a couple hours then resting. I could feel myself being watched the whole time. It was pissing me off. As night fell, frustration and exhaustion were hitting me hard. I didn’t know if he was trying to be subtle, but I knew who was on my trail watching me.

I sat in the park and tried to rest. I thought about sleeping, since I knew he wanted me alive and the ones watching me wouldn’t let anyone hurt me. I laid on a bench, thinking deeply. My mind was telling me to disappear. I sat up then and stared at my boots.

“To hell with it. I’m out of here,” I said to myself.

I started walking away, ignoring my followers. I was going to start a new life on my own.

“You aren’t going anywhere,” someone hissed behind me.

I turned and was staring into a pair of glowing eyes.

“Try and stop me.”

Just as I anticipated, he lunged. I dodged and went to run. I hid in an alley. Luckily enough I found a stick and held it. I didn’t think I’d get outnumbered though. I tried to fight them off but I couldn’t. A car pulled up and I was pushed into it, looking at Jared who was behind the wheel.