Status: Complete: Might plan a re-write in the future.

The Sharpest Lives

Lisa's POV

I was forced to change, and Gerard was saying he was sorry. I just went along with it so he would shut up. Well, he did shut up, and he wanted me to accept his apology. I turned to him, seeing the true sincerity in his eyes. I nodded slightly.

“So what do I need to learn?” I asked.

“Wha-Oh…umm…Frank will go over that with you So, are we on good terms now?”

I nodded, showing a small smile. “You really have been on my bad side, but I think it will go away with time.”

He smiled and stood up. Without another word, he left. I sat there, looking towards the bathroom. I needed a shower, but the only clothes I had were the ones on my back.


I looked at the door, seeing Steph standing there. She seemed lost, wondering what I was thinking. I smiled, happy to see her.

“Hey,” I said.

She came and sat by me.

“I’m sorry for going behind your back,” she said.

“It’s ok. I think we’re all on good terms now,” I said.

“Cool. So, Frank said he changed you?”

I nodded. “I feel different, yet I don’t. It’s hard to explain.”

“You’ll get used to it.”

Steph got up and left. I grinned to myself. I was plotting. I went to the desk and drew a rough stick figure drawing, wrote ‘Gerard’ on it, then stuck the pencil through the paper through the stick torso. Then I tossed it out the window. I stared outside for a bit, then laid down.

“Hey,” Frank said, appearing in the doorway.

I looked and saw the tray he held. On it, there was food and coffee.

“Hey,” I replied back.

“Want some food? I know it’s been a while since you ate, and I didn’t wanna make you feel uncomfortable by pushing you to the others.”

I smiled and took the tray. Frank then sat next to me as I ate. It was silent for a few minutes.

“So, how’d it go?” he asked. “Are we all on good terms?”

“I think so,” I said. “I still feel awkward though.”

“I understand. They’ll come around. Plus, I think Jared’s going back to his clan, so that’s one less annoyance you need to deal with.”


“And Gerard told the others to chill for a day, or so, and not to bother us-you. He said to just let you come around on your own.”

“Ok. Any other news?” I asked, finishing the food.

“That’s about it. You done there?”

I nodded and he took the tray away. Then I sat in deep thought. Thinking about my plan some more until Frank came back. He sat back next to me, and I absentmindedly leaned into him.

“I don’t have any clothes,” I said.

“What-Oh. Come on. Let’s go.”

I blinked as he nearly dragged me out the door. We went into town and to a store. I picked out jeans, shirts, and other things I needed, then we went straight home. I took a shower and dressed, finally feeling clean. It was lonely sitting up there in the room, so I slowly headed downstairs. The group was sitting in the living room. I walked in awkwardly to them, all staring at me. Some welcoming glances, and some cold, like Ray.

“Uhh, hi guys,” I said.

A collective ‘hi’ came from the group and Frank patted the spot next to him for me to sit. They were watching a movie, so I went and sat. I glanced around. Sheri sitting next to Mikey, and Steph next to Gerard. They barely know each other. It’s only been like two weeks. I thought. I’ve seen stranger things though.

Most of them were asleep by the time the movie ended. Ray went and put another one in, and as we watched, the remainder of us fell asleep. I jumped awake when I heard a shatter, either in my head or reality. I stared at the couch, waiting. Another shatter. A window broke. The other’s all woke abruptly. Gerard went to the window, then turned to us.

“We gotta go. The slayers found us. Don’t look out the front window, just go grab a few things and we’re gonna sneak out the back. Ten minutes tops. Go,” he whispered.